Chronicle of Ripley continue

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
, , USA
So yep, his issues continue. His nose had been mostly wet since I got him. I should have known better than to get another bunny related probably in some way to Charlie. ( wel, Ripley's dad is from the rabbitry Charlie was from). Anywho, his nose is wet. Still. And worsely, this morning i've noticed his right was runny. Clear, but I could tell it'd been runny. His nose discharge is Clear, and cometimes yellowish. Its not like i even always see huge ammounts of it. But its pretty much always there.

I'm really quite distraught after having Charlie who was sick from the get go. Being that this guy's nose was wet when I brought him home, I don't think he got it from being inChar's old cage. I just don't know what it is, what to do. Should I try benedryl just for the sake of it to see if it will do anything?

Please help! :?:confused2::sad: I can't believe I really have yet another sick bunny. :nerves1

Here are some pictures of his symptoms...I think you can see them. The first, you can see his eye looking a bit wet/runny. In the second, you can see his runny nose. It is primarily clear, sometimes yellowish. The breeder had originally told me she thought it was just milk/hay as he had just been weaned. However, it never cleared up. :'( Also, he's an outside bunny, which I think even more make the nose run. Its been in the 90's the last few days here, though I always give him an ice bottle.




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