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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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Paoli, Pennsylvania, USA

This is what the kids are getting for Christmas this year. I am so excited! It will make it much safer to take them out for walks and to get fresh air. It will also be good to get my butt out walking. Being a double I can take both pairs out without risking a fight! The buns will be checking out all the parks soon!

How about you get a single space stroller or adopt a shelter bun? :) My girls aren't going anywhere :p

You would have loved Becky this morning. I was a little slow getting the breakfast out. She was putting her front paws up on my shin and nose bonking me. "common mom! you can move faster than that! I want my oates right now!"
oh Katie, I LOL literally in my silent office. We do like our fuller figured girls don't we? Luckily we didn't get "the lecture" from the vet when Cindi went for her check up. Since she was 7 pounds last year when we got her and down to 5.5 now it gives us some wiggle room. I don't think she will be dropping any more though. I can't resist the cute little face that beggs for snacks!

Check your local shelters. You quite possibly will find a pre-fattened bun there. That's how Cindi got so chubby, no exercise.
This is awesome! I love rabbits ever since.I bought this iphone4 because I knew that this would be of great help in capturing moments with my family and friends and the animals as well.Does the photographer in you crave more choices than the one view your iPhone gives you? Wouldn't it be good to change it up occasionally? How about a close-up from next door? Maybe go wider to benefit from an exceptional sunset?? Or maybe you need to see what your pals would look like if you had fish eyes. Now with Photojojo's iPhone Lens Dial you are able to have all those opportunities in one gadget that needs no attachment. It will cost a huge installment loan to get one though. Get the facts at:

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