Chocolate Holland Lops! *excited*

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2008
Reaction score
Salyersville, Kentucky, USA
Ok, so I had decided to drop the hollands. Selling all but my Lionhead Lops and Blizzard my teddy bear boy. However...I can't stop shaking with excitement! Lets see if I can get to it, don't think I have been this excited in awhile. I will be getting a pair of Chocolate Hollands! How could -I- be so lucky?

My friend is coming down from Canada this weekend and will be here around Sunday/Monday if all goes well. I asked her what she was bringing me(I knew she was bringing me a Lion or two but needed to know to have cages fixed up) and she said becca(OMG, mega beautiful Lion doe with NOOOO flank wool!!), Scorr and Almond(the Chocolates. The doe she has been trying to breed awhile. She got babies once from herbut they was 2 huge DOAs) and a Lionhead buck. She didn't tell me which buck, I'm not going to ask because I will probably die. She has such nice stock! Had all her Lionheads flown in. She decided to cut down so she just has a few of her favorites left plus what she is bringing me.

Becca(mind you this picture is of her over half a year ago):


Scorr(again, very old picture):


Kate SHOULD be here Sunday if all goes well. This is the list of what I -know- she is bringing.

Black Otter Lionhead doe, Lionhead buck, Chocolate Holland Lop buck, Broken Chocolate Holland Lop doe, REW Mini Rex buck, Black Himi Mini Rex buck, and a Black Himalayan Mini Rex doe bred to a Siamese Sable buck.

She just got the Mini Rex from a breeder we both know that is near her. I LOVE the way the REW looks in the pictures and the Himi doe looks so much like my old doe Marsh. I love Himis!
They are here but not possible way to load any pictures I may take.

Becca is due NOW. Kate was wrong about her being 2 weeks along. I palpated her after I got her home and knew it was anytime. Well she started nesting with the hay today. Expect babies sometime today/night! WOOT! PB DM Tort Lionheads :biggrin2:I love Tort Lionheads!
She had 4! 1 suprize black sport(BEW carrier? maybe just missmark) doe, 1 black otter doe, 1 tort doe and 1 tort BUCK! Wish there was another buck but he looks like he will be great. His head has the most fur and he is growing fur on his flanks while the others arn't! I hope he will be very clean :D
Keegan suprised me, is it possible for does to absorb some babies but not all? Because I felt 6 babies at 14 days and just had 2 babies. She IS empty. I have had a doe have a baby 4 days early then have the other 6 on her due date. She has 2 bucks, a tort otter and a possible sable point. It is light grey currently.


That is my sweetie Almond! She is such a tame girl! Gotta love her. I have had a few people out to the rabbitry(which I am against but they wanted to look at my forsales and I had way to many to bring and meet them) and they have been trying to get me to sell her and Scorr(chocolate buck). Relentless they are. The first guy said to make sure I call him once she has babies weaned. He said I drove a hard bargan because I wouldn't sell them. :biggrin2:Haha. The other guy once he heard how hard they are to get a hold of he wanted them. I just said no, not selling and he gave up.

She isn't what you could call typy. No where near good enough for the show tables but once I get babies from her and Scorr(I think she is pregnant now, only about 8 days so will know in acouple days for sure) I will be breeding her to Blizzard to fix a lot of things, crown, head, HQ, bone, length, etc. She is a big rabbit but I love her. She is just to awesome IMO. Great big head just needs that fullness Blizzard has. So excited about getting babies from her.

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