Chinny is getting protective over her cage

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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2005
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, Nevada, USA
I have to reach down in it to get her. No dooron it. Its possible I could make one, but I dont really want to cut thewire if I dont have to.

Anything I can do for this? I got her some dried cranberries, and whenI tried to feed one to her, she tried to scratch me. Did thattwice......

Is this just a hormone thing as she's getting closer to being old enough to spay?

Hummm...little stinker :p

Not sure why she is so touchy now, after all she's beenthrough. I mean, poor thing wondering around in thewild...wondering into your wonderful family...she's lucky to haveyou...and THIS is how she repays you?? :D

Females are simply more territorial than males. Maybe she isfeeling REALLY comfortable and KNOWS that is her cage and she doesn'twant anyone in it...? Or, maybe she doesn't likeCrasins. My buns are offended when I offer them somethingthey don't like, they will snatch it and throw it.

Does Don Cheeto act this way when you try to get her out of the cage?

About the spay, I think that can only improve the situation.My female's attitude has changed dramatically since thesurgery. That would help, I think.
I have been really lucky with my dutch, he is anunspayed male and is 7 months old. He is a puddle and themost docile animal I have ever seen. All he wants is to beloved and it does not matter who is doing it. He comes andgoes in and out of his cage willingly. All I have to do ispoint my finger on the floor and he comes right to me and puddles onthe floor waiting to have a rub. When his girlfriend Cleo(spayed) is out with he follows her everywhere and cuddles into her atevery opportunity.

I guess I can count myself lucky that he is so placid.
Kricket wrote:
Hummm...little stinker :p

Not sure why she is so touchy now, after all she's beenthrough. I mean, poor thing wondering around in thewild...wondering into your wonderful family...she's lucky to haveyou...and THIS is how she repays you?? :D

Females are simply more territorial than males. Maybe she isfeeling REALLY comfortable and KNOWS that is her cage and she doesn'twant anyone in it...? Or, maybe she doesn't likeCrasins. My buns are offended when I offer them somethingthey don't like, they will snatch it and throw it.

Does Don Cheeto act this way when you try to get her out of the cage?

About the spay, I think that can only improve the situation.My female's attitude has changed dramatically since thesurgery. That would help, I think.
Wrong bunny... ;) This is Rowena and Chinny...Chinny came from a pet store....

I don't know as I've never had an unspayed female...but I wouldn't besuprised if its hormones starting to come into play! She's kinda thesame way about under the changing table when she plays isn't she?
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Kricket wrote:
Hummm...little stinker :p

Not sure why she is so touchy now, after all she's beenthrough. I mean, poor thing wondering around in thewild...wondering into your wonderful family...she's lucky to haveyou...and THIS is how she repays you?? :D

Females are simply more territorial than males. Maybe she isfeeling REALLY comfortable and KNOWS that is her cage and she doesn'twant anyone in it...? Or, maybe she doesn't likeCrasins. My buns are offended when I offer them somethingthey don't like, they will snatch it and throw it.

Does Don Cheeto act this way when you try to get her out of the cage?

About the spay, I think that can only improve the situation.My female's attitude has changed dramatically since thesurgery. That would help, I think.
Wrong bunny... ;) This is Rowena and Chinny...Chinny came from a pet store....

I don't know as I've never had an unspayed female...but I wouldn't besuprised if its hormones starting to come into play! She's kinda thesame way about under the changing table when she plays isn't she?
OOPS! It's hard keeping up, sometimes...well, for meanyways :p (I can't find an embarrassed/blushingface)
Yea, she came from the pet store. Born Feb 12th.

She eats the dried cranberries if I leave it in there lol And she wasdoing ok with me taking her out. Havent tried today, been busy lol Andits hot in the room she goes in, I need to figure that out. Maybe makesome ice cubes or something...a fan doesnt really cool it down any.

I hope once I can get her spayed it stops. Im putting off getting her adifferent cage, since we are going to be moving soon I hope. But I mayneed to so Im not reaching down for her

Take a plastic bottle like from a 20oz soda andfill it with water and could lay that in there for her tosnuggle with if she gets too overheated...and maybe a fan when she's inthere?
OH! By the way, my vet thinks Shortygot 'sniffles' from me leaving a fan on in his room. Just alittle heads up ;)

Sorry, Virginia I got the bunnies mixed up. I remember Chinnynow. Chinning everything in site. Silly me...alwaysa day late and a dollar short. :)
hehe Yes she does chin everything! lol Thats ok :) Lots of buns on here, easy to mix up lol

Hello, About the territorial thing, my bunny ( agirl, unspayed) started to growl when i try to get her food dish out tofeed her, or if i want to take her out. Shes in heat and I need to gether spayed, but I think you are having the same situation.
Once they reach that "adolescent" stage they'rereally irritable. I went through it with my female bunny (who is now 2years). Even now, if we reach in her cage and try to mess with her bed(we bought her a velvet pet bed for Christmas, she loves the thing) shehuffs at us and charges.

From what I am told, females are more territorial than the male rabbitsare. She will grow out of the adolescent stage, but she will still veryterritorial. Expect her to start marking her territory more often.

When she scratched you, should could have just wanted you to drop thecranberries though. Unless it was an aggressive scratch. Then it was"charging."
Irishmist,loooove the pic. of your dutch & Cleo ! Too cute begs for a caption !

" Bun snuggles under buns of Another..."

Or something like that :D

Kadish Tolesa :pinkpansy:

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