Chilly Bunny

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2006
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In A Tree, Kent, , United Kingdom
Well now its started to get pretty cold i wantedto ask a question about my rabbit. I recently bought this thing calleda hutch snuggle which is the this giant silver cover for my hutch whichclaims to regulate the temperature, keeping it warm in the winter andcooler in the summer. I'm not really sure if its working though. Myrabbit (Will) never really sleeps in his bed compartment and i'mworried he's getting too cold. I wanted to ask if, if he is feeling toocold, will he go somewhere warm? I'm going to buy this specialchew-resistant animal safe heat pads that you put int he microwave thati can hide under his bed box. So if he's too cold, willy he go there orjust sit and freeze?
i have the exact same products and problem.Today when I went to play with them a bit, they were colder than usualbut werent shivering. Is that ok?
If your rabbit is not sitting in the enclosedpart, it is definitely not cold! After 3 winters I have learned thatone well. As long as they are sheltered from the wind, rain, and snow,there is no problem at all and your bunny will go into their boxifit iscold enough. Rabbits handle cold weatherreally well.

And you'd be surprised how much a tarp or something helps with warmth.You may not notice it in a milder climate but I keep my cages coveredor partially blocked off when it's cold and it's amazing how much itactually helps. I can actually feel a difference in the temperature onthe open side of the cage compared to the blocked off side when it getsreally cold. Just be careful, a rabbit still needs good ventilation andfrom what I've seen, those covers are no good for that. I always leavepart of the cage open so that air can get through good.

P.S.- It also helps if they can get direct sunlight during the day.It's not a concern in the winter if you are north because the coldtemperatures prevent the sun from causing heat stroke. It's justcrucial that they have ventilation if it gets rather warm on one day orthe direct light could be an issue.
The cover does have quite good ventilation as ithas a fly screen with tiny holes in for air. Usually when i go to seehim he is sitting in the coldest part of the hutch, at the bottomcorner right by the front. Its not really me that is too worried, myMum hypes me up about it because shes so petrified he'll get too coldand ill and it makes me more concerned! I just went and gave him a weesqueeze now (11.30 at night - around 3 degrees) and he feels fairlywarm actually!

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