Chicks in the house

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
I might be going and getting some chicks today , just your easter egger probably for right now, but i have a questions until they are old enough to be acclamated to outside can i keep them in my kitchen, with salmenella and all? The only other pace i can safely keep them is in the bathroom.
I would suggest building a little pen for them rather than having them free roam. Chicks are VERY messy and will cover whatever room you put them in liberally with feces. Unless I'm misunderstanding and you do mean to have them in a pen. Then yes, it's fine to keep them pretty much wherever as long as you wash your hands and keep their pen clean. The salmonella risk is really only via fecal/oral contact, so with a clean pen and dilligent handwashing, there isn't any reason you should get sick from them; there's more of a chance of getting sick from a dirty cutting board or unwashed salad.
ha ha ha yes Ren i meant they would be contained in a pen of some sort, i am not going to have them roaming all over the room,lol. that is good cause i want to have them downstairs as that is where i am all the time.
Aww lucky :p As a kid, my Dad and his family always had chicks in the kitchen, first in shoe boxes and then kept in a cage when they got a little bigger. This was rural Ireland, and that time no one knew about all these diseases so they weren't even taking that many precautions and never got sick. I'd say you'll be fine :)
Well i called out tractor supply and they wont be getting them in till next weekend, but we do have a hatchery around us so i might call them to see what they have. but we are going to the TS today to get the supplies that we are going to need and i will get everything set up for when they get here, i cant wait!!!!!! i am more excited then the kids are,lol.
well i got my starter stuff, the light and bulbs, feed, bedding, antibiotics, water'er, feeder, and the tub i am going to keep them in!!!!! cant wait!!!!
yeah, i am going to look into getting one or have the hubbers build one, he will only have 6-8 weeks before we have to get them outside,lol
Ya, we have hatched a few times and they grow right before your eyes! After like two days you can see the feathers coming in on their wings, the cute fluffy stage lasts no time lol!
I get chicks every year and keep them in my house until their big enough.
Im getting 8 silkies in 5 days :) And 2 ducklings and a baby turkey lol
i cant wait, i should be getting mine possibly monday!!!!!! all i just have to get a few more things, no biggie, but for the most part it is set up!!!!!! of course the hubby and my father still have to make the hen house. I want at least 2 buff oprhington and i have a few more circled that i want to get i will probably get 6-8 of them. i started that i wanted 4 then i found out i have to get at least 6 now the ones i want are going to push me to 8,lol.

we will all have to post pics of our chicks when we get them!!!

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