Chewing. Please Help!

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Active Member
Oct 27, 2010
Reaction score
Southwest Wi, Wisconsin, USA
I know this has been asked before, but I need your MOST CREATIVE ideas! Boe chews on EVERYTHING. Wires, blankets, end tables, etc... I'm not worried about anything BUT the wires. I've tried hiding the wires, making sure none of them touch the ground, using protective coverings, etc... Please, if any of you have any other ideas on how to keep him from chewing on wires; share your idea!
Boe recently bit the cord to my boyfriend's very expensive Turtle Beach headset for his Xbox 360. John says if he ruins one more expensive thing, we're going to have to get rid of him because we can't afford to replace everything. -- So, now I'm running around trying to make sure the little guy doesn't get himself into more trouble!
Thanks for your help. :?
What was the outcome with the protective coverings?
You can get flexible pvc like piping at hardware stores, bunnys cant really chew through that stuff, you can try feeding the wires through that.
Or keep him more confined rather then having free run of the house.
The protective covering iscalled "wire loom" (in case you need to ask for it).It can be chewed through if the bunny is determined enough. Gus has nibbled several holes in the stuff we have, but at least they can't bite through the wire in one chomp. ;)

IKEA sells a few different types of cord covers. Sometimes just getting them out of sight is enough to deter the bunny.

Other options:

Look into wireless remotes, head sets, etc. (This is the way we're heading in our new house. No more chewed speaker cables! :p)

Get a wood or plastic box or other container with a lid to store remote controls, game controllers, head sets, cell phone and lap top charges, etc. and make sure that stuff goes into it when you're not using it.

A friend of mine was having trouble keeping her bunny from nibbling the wires at the back of the TV, she went and bought some aluminum door screen and covered the back of the TV cabinet. Now the bunny can't get to it. :)

I've used plywood, NIC grids, wire shelving for closets, other furniture, boxes, etc. to block access to areas I don't want Gus to get to (behind and under the couch, behind the entertainment centre, etc.).

Tuck all chairs in when you're not using them. Bunnies are notorious for using them as launch pads to areas they really shouldn't get to!

I took the same approach when I was babyproofing for my kids: the less temptation, thebetter. But you do have to set limits. If you catch him chewing on stuff he shouldn't be a firm "NO!" and chasing him away, should send the right message. It may take a while if he hasn't been corrected much, but he should eventually learn.

BTW, how old is he? How long have you had him? With age, bunnies tend to become less destructive.

If I have any other ideas, I'll post.

Hope that helps!

You can't blame a bunny for acting like a bunny. We've used wood to box things in around the computers, tiles or wood to cover over wires, cardboard and boxes for a barricade, and split PVC and screwed it to the wall over cords. If stuff isn't left out, it doesn't get chewed.
Boe is a little over a year old.
I never thought of using NIC panels to help block access to areas. Thanks a lot you guys.!

I also agree that you can't blame a bunny for acting like one. It's in their nature to chew on things, and sometimes; they just can't help themselves. I understand that, but my boyfriend has more of a hard time understanding it.
Im gonna pass on my tip from another thread:

Try some cheap perfume, but I mean CHEAP, from like the dollar store. My Bonkers DESPISES it and it worked on stopping him from chewing the carpet, the duck tape covering the electrical outlets and my laptop charger. The only downside is that it smells like cheap perfume all the time here. :p

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