I don't mind that Bandit's chewing, it's just what he's chewing on that's the problem
When I let Bandit out, he gets to run around in the laundry, the floors are tiled and slippery. So to make them a bit softer and to give Bandit some traction I purchased and put down some foam mats, the ones that join together like puzzle pieces. It works great, and he loves it and can now do proper bunny 500's and binkies in there, but he's been chewing on the edges. It's fine if I catch him at it because I can correct the behaviour, but is there something that I can put around the edges that will discourage him from chewing them? If he was ingesting I would remove them, but he's always been a chew and rip off bunny, not a chew and eat one. Although, I still do worry that he might accidentally eat some and upset his tummy.
It's difficult because it's hard to cover, the edges of mat that are against the wall are fine, I think because they're flush enough, and some of the edges are covered by his tunnel etc, but I can't cover them all with toys/play areas. He does chew on his box a lot, and he has cardboard tubes and various other chewables and unlimited hay in his play room, but he often goes for the foam. Any ideas? I've tried a dig box to keep him busy, but he only goes in if I put pellets in and then usually only for a minute or two.
It's difficult because it's hard to cover, the edges of mat that are against the wall are fine, I think because they're flush enough, and some of the edges are covered by his tunnel etc, but I can't cover them all with toys/play areas. He does chew on his box a lot, and he has cardboard tubes and various other chewables and unlimited hay in his play room, but he often goes for the foam. Any ideas? I've tried a dig box to keep him busy, but he only goes in if I put pellets in and then usually only for a minute or two.