Chevys Blog

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Mrs. PBJ

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
Galveston, Texas, USA
Well I have been on the forum for about a month or so longer. Have had help from goinbacktocali with a major problem and many other board members on questions.

Befor chevy I had never owned a bunny and now relize how complete he makes our family. even though my dog phoenix does not know how to stay off his but sometime LOL.

Chevy is one of my 5 best things that happen in my life.

My 4 children amd my husband. Oh and cant forget my baby dodge I still love him.

BUt I started a blog because I relized I did not have one so here is chevys blog

And phoenix, JJ AKA bruiser, Star and hubby lol he is like one of the kids
Can't wait to see pics of your babies!:biggrin2:
Well something kinda of funny happened today

I went to my friends for about ten minutes and came back to my computer have 20 screens up and chevy sitting in my window looking for me. Like mom how dare you leave without my permision

And you left that dang dog out needless to say my dog is all of 2 pounds and cant do anything and they both sleep together

Can a rabbit bond with a dog about his size

This is bruiser we had a foster JJ that was a big dog but he is just like her so we call him JJ all the time


Phoenix who we have had sence she was 4 weeks old and she is 1 1/2 years now


Save the best for last Chevy my pride and joy

Oh my outdoor cat boss I really dont have to many good pictures of him sorry

Sorry there so small photobucket is weird

She was going to the park that day she knows the route so she was happy
Oh and I can add this to my blog LOL

:happyrabbit:I love this dancing rabbit
well Chevy had a good day

They mowed the grass yesterday and today we let chevy out in his new outdoor pin He loved it pictures coming soon. I promise been real busy the past few days.

He was mad cause he got to go ut first before he ate breakfst so when he came in he was like breakfast thump thump. When he got breakfast he came out and jumped in my lap and nugded my arm for some love this is the first time he ever did that so I guess his hormones are starting to go away from his fixxing.

Now he is looking at the computer screen like mom my turn now he wants to get on bun space so I guess I have to get off now bye.

Pictures later today
Sorry there coming

Chevy has had this real stressed out look the past like five days or so

You know the look where I just worked80 hours and I am still broke I cant nopt understand why. The only thing that has changed is we have been adding things to his diet.

And I also Started working 2 jobs due to money problems but he still gets to run all day long if he wants to. He eyes are like puffy you known how humans get bags under there eyes. Well his are like that but all the way around.

He is acting fine and all but he just has this look is that nromal he is moulting and not acting sick in anyway.

Pictures coming I promise I am loading them on photobucket now 20 minutes tops
Ok you wanted pictures LOL here they are.

Captions at top

Mom I want breakfast and the grass is wet canI stay up here


Ok I am done I dont care if you did not get a picture of me in the grass part of my pin


Dad and chevy he is slowly falling in love


Mom and chevy I had just woke up that day dad got in trouble


Mom did I do that he has torn the carpet in all my corners up:grumpy:


I promise I will not pee in the bed mom


Can I chew your shoe Me No those shoes have mae it through 4 puppys and you will not be the one to end there life Picture of shoe will be added later


Ok let me out of this room dad does not need to clean my cage yall clean it to much


Im warning you dad better not have cleaned my cage


They are working on the porches in my apartment So I have no end gate anym,ore so we opend the pin up and conected it to the end of the gate so he had conctrete and grass

Hope yall like them
Sorry one more thing if you look at the pictures at his back legs they are moulting real bad right now. So that is why his fur looks like that well I helped him out a little so the fur did not get stuck when he licked. And that did no0t help the case any it is starting to look normal again

Sorry chevy mom made you look like a dork
This is chevy I haves somethings to says abouttts alllss theses pictures. Stoppsss takens themss. I ams having a bad hair weeks.

OHHhs and momss I wantsss a strawberryss yous haves notsss given me one in 3 dayss I ams overss dues

ASnds about this new sheuduale I hates its moms I needs to cleans you mores offen I dont wants dads

Mes and dadss have a love hate realtionship

Oh no she is coming byesss Hops away:happyrabbit:Mabye she will likes this rabbits
Well I guess he told me huhn.

I gave him a strawberry he acts like he is starving not as much as I spend on food for him He act like a angel LOL

You got to love him I do he is my pride and joy :yahoo::halo
Hehe, Tony's molting the same way! He has funny looking legs and we plucked some fuzz off his back too, so he looks extra silly!
Oooh, yay piccies!:biggrin2: Great ones at that, Chevy is so cute! Is that your hubby or boyfriend with Chevy? He's handsome! That's so cute he's coming around to Chevy!

Oh, and Chevy? That's nothin for picture taking, so I hope you get used to it quite soon, Mister:p. I bet that's all Mom will be doing, haha.

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