chemical neutering

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Aug 17, 2011
Reaction score
Liverpool , , United Kingdom
Hi , I was wondering if anyone has had any experiences , or knowledge, of chemical neutering, supposedly a safer option for the older buck

My vet told me that it was an option that he would be willing to use , and would happily do it if I was happy to have it done .

“But” l would like to know more about the long term effects , and effectiveness regarding unwanted pregnancies .

Below is a link l found regarding chemical-neutering on Rabbits Though it doesn’t say much

Any input would be appreciated 

scroll down to answer !!
If your vet is good, anesthesia can be safe for even an older buck. How old is he?

The main concern I would have is that the procedure is very painful, and it is recommended that the patient be sedated if they were likely to struggle because the entry point of the needle needs to be bang-on ifthe neuter is going to work. I can't imagine a rabbit not struggling, so he would likely need to be sedated anyway. And even if they were able to control his movement without sedation, I'd be worried he'd have a heart attack out of fear/pain.

So, no, I wouldn't do it.
Also, that type of castration doesn't stop testosterone production, so you'll probably still be dealing with bucky behavior (spraying, etc.)

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