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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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It's 6:45 p.m. in Tucker Town.

It's pitch black outside, but there's a slight breeze.

Something's amiss.

The bushes are rustling, and shadows are moving. :shock:

Please be sure to check that your equipment is ready to go in order to catch the news as it happens.

See you at 8:45 p.m.

-Carolyn, Buck Jones and The Missus


Night of the Lepus Tape.................................check (thank you Buck!)


Secure Bunny Cage.........................................check (and double check)

Popcorn...........................................................check (to be popped at the 8:45 mark)

Diet Coke........................................................check (12 pack, good to go)

Camera to catch any bunny mischief...............check

Ok, I think I'm ready.
Check -- gotta go out and clean rabbit cages (it's 7:15 here) -- then back in to watch the movie!

VCR: broken *hides the hammer*
TV: tuned to another channel
tape: umm...=\
Ivory: still adorable
watch: set for nothingness

im still too afraid :p



(Tune: Careful or theSpooks Will Get You )

Careful or the bunnies will get you .

The lepus are hungry ..

And are out tonight!

Written especially for Raspberry Swirl * snicker, snicker*
(transferring from other thread because I know you are ignoring my fit!)

I hate scary movies!
Ihate scary movies!

Somefreaky witch with hairy arms had to go and send me avideotape...

And her big, mean, goblinfriend probably talked her intoit!

When this movie is over I have to go to aHalloween party at a farm house out in the country! The COUNTRY! As infull of WILD RABBITS! In the DARK!Surrounded by a bunch offreaky wildrabbits....


BunnyMommy...stop picking onme!

We're ready here. In fact tonight we'recelebrating my birthday too, though it's actually on Tues. (I'll bevolunteering in PA so I'll be home too late for cake) My beloved bakedme my cake tonight. Everybirthday we cut eachother's cakeinto something funny (the moon, pacman ghost) This year, in honor ofThe Night of the Lepus, he made me a SCAREY bunny cake.

We'll be munching on this horrific cake while watching the movie. Our rabbits are securely locked in their cage.
Happy Early Birthday Sarah! That cake isfantastic! What a sweetheart you have to make such a cake --that is too funny!!!!!

Sebastian has beenoutside all I have to decide whether to bring him in beforeI lock upeverything...
Thanks Pam, he is my sweetie. He'll be my husbandin only 5 short months (yikes!) The cake is tasty. We started with theears and will work our way down.
I'm so confused. What's with the wholeLepus thing? What is it? I've seen like 4 otherpposts regarding it but never looked because they were so long and Ididnt feel like reading.
Sarah wrote:
We'reready here. In fact tonight we're celebrating my birthday too, thoughit's actually on Tues. (I'll be volunteering in PA so I'll be home toolate for cake) My beloved baked me my cake tonight.Everybirthday we cut eachother's cake into something funny(the moon, pacman ghost) This year, in honor of The Night of the Lepus,he made me a SCAREY bunny cake.

We'll be munching on this horrific cake while watching the movie. Our rabbits are securely locked in their cage.
That's a GREAT cake! What a GREAT guy! :)


That killer bunny cake is one of the coolest cakes I've ever seen. I'm so glad you found someone as wonderful as you are.

I just can't get over that cake! That is so awesome.


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