Changing Living Conditions

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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Do you think it is ok to give bunnies a changeof scenery for several hours a day? (When the weather coolsoff here) I'd like to keep my buns mostly inside in the NICCondo, but when I am at work (for about 6 hours in the afternoon) wouldit be too stressful to put the buns outside in their hutch? Iwas thinking it would be nice for them to be outside in the fresh airinstead of cooped up inside. Is it cruel to change theirliving conditions, or is the change good for them so they don't getbored?

By the way, the buns get 'outside' time every morning in theirrun. But they haven't been in their hutch since May due tothe extreme heat. I LOVE having them inside close to me, buttheir hutch is HUGE and really nice and secure...

What do you think? Ideas? Suggestions?

Thanks! Hugs!
I would start by extending their hutch time soit's not so sudden for them. Adding half an hour per day should be agood start. Otherwise, as long as the hutch is secure and safe, itdoesn't seem to be a big problem.
They would most likely Lovethe fresh air , be sure to givethem toys or something fun todo , and they shouldbe fine ,.
I'd think it'd be okay as long as thetemperatures aren't extreme. If it's too cold outside,bringing them into a warm house or vice versa might be stressful totheir systems. It might also send them into a molt.


Laura wrote:
I'd think it'd be okay as long as the temperatures aren'textreme.? If it's too cold outside, bringing them into a warm house orvice versa might be stressful to their systems.? It might also sendthem into a molt.?



That's the main thing I'd be most concerned about as well.

(A tsp. of vanilla extract in the water is said to keep flies at a distance.)


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