Change in Eating Behavior

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2011
Reaction score
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
Hi everyone,

When we first started giving Nibbles a 'bunny salad' every night he LOVED it! We could barely put the plate on the ground before he would try to grab a leaf or parsley stem off. He would INHALE the entire plate as fast as he could, then be sniffing around as if he wanted more. That was two months ago. Lately, though, he's not been as excited. He's eating it, but he'll let the plate sit for awhile or he'll eat some, then move away and come back later. Normally, he gets a shredded romaine leaf, a handful of parsley, and some cilantro. We tried adding green peppers last week, but he didn't like them. Do you think he's bored with this selection of greens? I'd introduce some new stuff, but it seems like when I look for a new veggie I've read about on an "approved veggie" list it isn't available where I shop.

Initially, I was worried he didn't feel good and wasn't wanting to eat, but he hops around like he usually does. What do you think?
Nibbles sounds like my Willard. Willard being a rescue I had no clue what he went through or what he was fed. He would do the same thing at first. Gobble it all down and look for more. I don't think he was ever fed veggies or fruit. Now that he's been here for 5 months, he doesn't feel like he has to "gobble" all of it down at once, but can take his time. We thought he was tired of the veggies and fruit but actually he was more secure in where he is so he doesn't feel like he has to bolt down his food. He can savor it now.

K :)
Cookie will do the same thing if we give him the same veggies too many days in a row... So we try to change things up alot... So he doesn't get bored and it's always exciting! But luckily he loves pretty much everything except citrus and blueberries lol

Maybe he is just comfortable now, and so he's taking his time :)