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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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I'm getting concerned! We've been havingextremely nice weather up to being in the 50's (*F) and it's beenlovely. The problem is that it's been TOO lovely for too long. My boyshave no winter coat left and that's why I'm worried. After weeks ofunusually warm weather, we figured it was going to stay nice and my dadneeded to use the shelf in the garage for his tools. The cage in thegarage was the shelf which we converted into a temporary cage byputting wire over the face of it and laying a board on top. So i had totake it apart. Now you ask, what's the problem then, right? This is theproblem:


  • High 41 °F
  • POP 70%
Chance of flurries

Sunday night

  • Low 23 °F


  • High 36 °F
A few flurries


  • High 25 °F
  • Low 9 °F
A mix of sun and cloud


  • High 19 °F
  • Low 7 °F
  • POP 40%
Chance of flurries


  • High 25 °F
  • Low 3 °F
A mix of sun and cloud

It's supposed to get cold again andI have no place to keep them inside! I'm, really worried about it. Iguess I may have to keep them in their kennels for a few nights.:(
This freaky weatheris causing problems everywhere. At least you are good about staying ontop of it. Sebastian will probably start blowing his coat big time verysoon. It hit 85 here yesterday, and today is supposed to be 52. Gofigure. Spring is here but it's a Kansas spring. :?Tornadoesjust around the corner. Maybe it will blow his coat off for him!:shock:

Wow! That's HOT!

I thought 50*F was hot, lmao.

We had weird January weather, it went from -40 one week to abovefreezing the next. I'm guessing since it's only about 10*F warmerinside than what they've been used to outside, that it's ok to bringtheir kennels into my room? I'm in the basement and can keep it a bitcolder if need be.
Exactly what I was thinking of!

We've had days of 60° then it goes to the teens! I've got Boinside but he's still been shedding then stops then sheds then stops.

This is my first year/winter with a rabbit and I just feel like thoseoutside would be so much more in this weird pattern! I wonder what someof the people who've had rabbits for longer have experienced.Have they had these strange back and forth temps? What havethey done?
RaspberrySwirl wrote:
Spring is here but it's aKansas spring. :?Tornadoes just around thecorner.
I thought Spring was here too, then we get weather reports like this!The real bummer is we're supposed to start digging and building as ofMonday but we can't have snow in the gravel! We're also doing a cementhouse so I don't think we can have snow with that either. The only plusis hopefully the ground will be frozen enough that it braces theneighbors sidewalk because if the hole caves in at certain points, itmay rip the sidewalk (theyanchored it to the side of thehouse) off the house and we have to pay for it.

I hate tornadoes! We have been having them so frequently lately that it's sort of getting to be a common summer weather report!

On Friday we actually had THUNDERSTORM warnings! That's almostunheard of in Alberta!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
This is my first year/winter with a rabbit and I just feellike those outside would be so much more in this weird pattern! Iwonder what some of the people who've had rabbits for longer haveexperienced. Have they had these strange back and forthtemps? What have they done?
I'm pretty lucky, weather changes don't seem to stress my boys out. Iknow them well and they don't seem to be affected at all yet.:?Sometimes Mocha goes off his food at big weather changesbut not so far. Maybe because my boys were born and raised outsidetheir whole lives the weather changes aren't a big issue?
It seems like Bo's fur is the main issue forus. Little stray hairs flying all the time right now and hisface started to have a big molt and stopped. He looks goofyLOL!

The shedding is a major problem for me. Theyeither have to stay in my room, or in the garage and right now Spice isshedding so bad I'll be sneezing all night because of allergies.
I believe it's been here and gone! lol, and I think we skipped Summer and Fall and went straight back to winter.
I agree MBB it is a worry. We have had glorioussunshine all weekend and it has been quite warm. Next the weather manis saying that the snow will be arriving again andwe will begetting to the minus *C again(and this is mid March :shock:).I bet our poor bunnies don't know what happening to them.

In celcius we've gone as high as 14 and are expected to get as low as -20! :X
Here in Toronto, it's been a steady cold allwinter. My boys aren't outside anyway, but still... I wish it wouldwarm up already. The warmest day we've had has been like 6....bleh.

Where's summer!!!
I know how you feel! Yesterday is was 85F, todayit's 40F! Talk about a big difference. I am thinking the rabbits likethis weather better, but boy is that a large drop! I sure don't likeit. :XAnd it's supposed to be cold all week long too..

Bo B Bunny wrote:
chanting *Spring! Spring! Spring!*

Next Sunday is the first day of Spring! It's almost here!

LMBO! BBB. that's hilarious. i know what you mean though, i'm ready forthe grass to grow long and tall so my buns can finally return to theiroutdoor cages and nibble on that long, lush grass.......**pauses to gooutside and check the temperature.......i think i'm gonna put my bunsin the outdoor pen today, it's only 50*F but that's warm enough for meto go in shorts, barefoot and t-shirt so, they'll be out there as soonas i put the dog away.

:shock::shock:We had snow too! We went shoppingyesterday, and while we were at Red Lobster in Champaign, it began tosnow, the lightest stuff you've ever seen!:shock:and nowtoday, whammy! back up into the 50*''s just so odd, weather, imean.


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