Caught bun chewing gum....

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Active Member
Mar 31, 2005
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So we're packing up house for moving and in the process it gets alittle less bunny-proofed, though we're making great efforts. Stuffhappens, ya know? Well I found toffee eating a stick of gum,foil and all. She definatly downed half of it. I need to give her anything, or ya htink 1/2 stick is going to be ....ok? Help!
Oh man! I don't know, I would feed hersome pineapple/canned pumpkin and lots of veggies and hay to make surethat gum goes down and out! I don't know what else can bedone, since I'm no expert. If she starts acting off, though,call the vet!
Yeah that's about alL i could think of myself...well, hopefully she's gonna be alright! :?
Oh wow. This is the first that I've heard a bunchewing gum. I would agree with Nightpoet. Try giving her lots of hayand more water. I heard that Hay makes the digestive system move morethroughly & 'cleanse' it out in a way. Correct me if I'm wrong.If she has any problems, go to your vet immediatley.

Good luck and take care.


Thanks guys :)

I think she's going to be alright - I'll be watching to make sure she's still poopin!

She sure gave me a little scare! I didn't think she would'gravitate' toward gum either. Well just goes to show ya :p
I caught Guinevere in my easter basket thisyear... she took a tootsie roll pop and ran off with it =p I then founda few sticks in her house... naughty buns!
bunsforlife wrote:
I caught Guinevere in my easter basket this year... she tooka tootsie roll pop and ran off with it =p I then found a few sticks inher house... naughty buns!

Guinevere sure gots a sweet tooth ! :sunshine:

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