Aww, now those two are simply adorable!!
Before I say anything, perhaps I should let you know a bit about my cat-owning past. I've owned over twenty cats in my life (since the age of about ten), of all ages, both genders, all kinds of personalities, etc. I've had many kittens with mothers, kittens just by themselves, kittens and older kitties, kittens and senior kitties, etc. Just about every kitten situation you can have, I've lived through and learned from.
That having been said, I think getting two kittens would be great, but you might wait to introduce them and the buns until the kitties are about six months old. Of course, it depends really on the kitties' and the bunnies' personalities. If you have really sweet, laid back buns, you could probably introduce them sooner than that. If you have a more agressive bunny, you might want to wait to introduce them after the kitties have been exposed to the buns for a few months, and you generally know how they'll react. A good rule of thumb, also, would be to wait at least a couple weeks, so you can know the kitties' personalities, too.
Ultimately, you can test out the situation, and let them out together (use the neutral territory if that'll help the don't have to worry about that with the kitties), but be ready to see how things progress. I'm sure you won't have much problem with them being such young kittens (on the kitties' side of things), but watch to see what the buns do. If I had more experience (heck, ANY experience) in introducing bunnies, I would be able to tell you more exactly what to do with the bunnies, but you've had lots, so I'm not too worried.
My best suggestion, normally, in getting a single cat, would be to get a cat that's approx. a year old, maybe a bit older. That way, you have a kitty that's still trainable (and let me know if you'd like tips on how to train, and I'll also PM you with an EXCELLENT cat site), but yet past the age where they'll be too young to understand what you're trying to tell them. But since you're getting the TWO kittens, it would probably end up being perfect at that age, since they'll entertain each other so well.
The only way six weeks might be a bit tricky, is due to the fact that sometimes kitties that age tend to go kinda out of their mind during play. I mean, they truly don't realize what they're doing, and how it's affecting those they're doing it to. When people ask me on my profile about kittens that age and how to keep them from chasing them, biting their ankles, etc, I have to let them know that there are just times that kittens just don't know what they're doing, and just won't listen when you ask them to stop or try to train them to do otherwise.
All that aside, I wanted to also let you know that getting those two together (with them already being bonded) would be a great idea, because they'll entertain each other much of the time, and that'll help keep them from focusing all that energy on trying to play with the bunnies. Be aware, though, that getting them at that age will require you to wait at least six weeks before being able to use the Soft Paws, because they won't fit until at least twelve weeks, according to the website.
Bottom line, getting the two kittens might be a bit of a challenge, so I would ultimately recommend a kitty that's approx a year old (or a year and a half), but if you decided to go with those two kittens, it would work out. I wish you lived closer, so I could come over and help you with the kittens and such, but I can at least offer my help in giving you some training advice if you need it.
So, I will be PM'ing you with my email addy and that cat site I mentioned, so you have that to work with.
If anyone reading this would like either of those, as well, feel free to PM me to ask!