Cats and Bunnies

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2004
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Our kittens are 9 weeks old today, and this is the first day I've let the bunnies out around the kittens.

Bunnies: "Woo-hoo! A whole room to explore!"
Kittens: "Woo-hoo! A new cage to play in!"

The bunnies have thusfar been very tolerant of the kittens being in andaround their space. Kittens lounging in the straw, munching the hay,playing in the litterbox, figuring out how the water bottle works. Rexand Peanut have sniffed them but done little else. I'm so glad they'resuch laidback bunsters :D

Here's Rex and Anderson, sleeping on their step; Anderson is going to ahome with a 13-pound house bunny, so it's good he gets along with themnow:



Hard to tell, but there's actually another kitten in that cage, ourtortoisehell girl, Miko. Steph is the other girl sleeping on the step:


Awwwwwwww .... one big happy, furry family (do I see some snuggling in our future? :)):


All told, we have four foster kittens and their mom. Kitten #4, PJ wasplaying with the bunnies earlier but I wasn't able to get any shots ofhim. Mom, Scully, has sniffed but pretty much ignored the rabbits.
What a great story,m.e.!

The pictures and the way you told the story is precious.

P.S. Scully just walked in, sniffed thebunnies over real good, let them sniff her, then rolled on her back andlooked at them like, "C'mon, lets play." :D
That is the cutest thing I've ever seen!! Me want a kitty now. :)
I want a kitten sooooo bad...

Roommate said no... her girlfriend is moving in soon with her two cats...

so that is how I snuck Gir into the house ::laughs::


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