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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
I've been looking online for new and interestingbunny toys, and many cat toys seem to be perfect... except a lot ofthem contain catnip. So, I thought I'd ask: does catnip bother bunnies?Do they like it? Or do they even notice it? If it's okay, I'm going toorder a bunch of new kitty toys in preparation for my new bunny boy :D
I've never had a problem with the dried catnipin the cat toys...I know I read somewhere that the fresh stuff is a nono for bunns. As long as it wasn't loaded with catnip I'dthink it would be OK!:) Some of our toys have cat nip in themand other than the odd catnip "pillow" that the bunns find and chew tosmithereens they really don't seem to notice catnip at all!:)
It's listed in Rabbit Health in the 21stCentury as a safe herb. It also says it acts as a gas reliever andmild sedative if eaten. The only part of the plant that isn't safe isthe seeds.
That was a very good question and one I'm glad to know the answer to.

Partly on topic : I just thought I'd share that catnip will kill SugarGliders. They get extremely sick and die very quickly fromit. People have lost whole cages of gliders from putting thewrong toy in the cage! It is interesting to me how differentanimals react to different natural things.

Thanks KellyJade...the one list I wasreading had listed the fresh plant as possibly bad for bunns.I have found a bit of conflicting info from one list to another...sofor arguments sake I decided to err on the side of caution and notoffer it! I will check again more thoroughlythough! Our bunns might like to try it as a treat since wegrow it for the cats anyway!! :D Sorry for muddying thewater!;)
Thanks for the replies :) I'll go ahead andorder a few of the toys that have catnip in them, then. I know it willprobably be just a bit of dried catnip, no fresh.Has anyonehere had much luck with stuffed/fleece dog and cat toys? I know somebunnies really like to snuggle with them... but others chew them toshreds. I suppose I'll order one now (along with a fleece Quiet Timebed) and see how that goes. Let's hope he doesn't chew it tosmithereens.

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