One morning I awoke from my mom shaking me andtelling me to go outside and get this rabbit. So, in my pajamas I wentoutside and saw the CUTEST white and grey spotted rabbit. I slowlycrept out to it, and it hopped away. And I didn't catch it. The nextday I saw it again, and the people behind us said it was theirs. Theyhave had SO many bunnies and I have caughten a few of theirs, and I hadto give them back. They have a hutch outside and they never lock it,and the rabbit hops out. So anyways, its the fourth day since we'veseen it, and it hides under this shed. My friend and I are trying tocatch it, (We already named it [Fantasy]) So, do you know how we couldcatch it? It isn't totally tame, but I have gotten close to it. Italways runs under the shed, but we had nets and blankets trying tocatch it.