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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
Hi, some of you have heard of the 'stray' catnamed Tiger. Well, she had her kittens at the neighbors house insidetheir boat. I have gone over there a couple times to check on them. Iwould like to give them info on how to take care of a mother cat andkittens but I can't find a website right now that has that information.If anyone could help that would be great

By the way 4 kittens - 5 including a still born orange kitten.
I just found out that their other cat ( a blackone out of Tigers first litter) is now pregnant)... So I will reallyneed this info for them!!
I looked at these websites and one helped... ButI really need websites on how should a mother and kitten be taken careof... You know grooming, feeding (like they should be on a kittenforumla based cat food), and other stuff so that these neighbors willknow.
First thing i think Iwould do is get somepamphlets to them about spaying andneutering their animals geesh ,not one but now 2 catsthey sure are not very responsible pet owners . Asfor special formular and feedfor the cat as long as sheis being fed the kittens shouldbe all set , but whatgalls me isthat they areletting them breed constantly Iwould be more concerned with Fleas , Parasites, Distemper and Rabies , Ifthey dont have the good senseto spay these females i would doubtthey have the brainsto vet the cats tooand get the necessary shots . I personallywould be very crefull aroundthis cats as you never know. Last thing you need is to pickup some sort of Nastyfrom them .

Fleas will kill the babies, and there is not much you cando right now to get rid of thembecause the cure is as bad asthe problem . same with Parasites , rightnow anything done to the mother willdirectly effect the babies .
Call me the bad guy here but I reallythink it's time to call the SPCA on these people. They are not properlycaring for these cats and pretty soon the neighborhood is going to beover run with feral cats. Not all neighbors are going to be aswonderful and loving as you are. I truly hate people like this neighborof yours. Makes me so mad.

I wish I could offer you some advice Hun but there is reallynot much you can do at this point except call someone to come getthem.

I called on them once before but it was abouttheir dog. I talked to a lady that has a shelter in Georgetown (about15 min. from here). She gave me a card to call and said that once thekittens were born to call, let her adopt the kittens out, and she willgive us a vet certificate to spay her for free. I will have to see ifshe could do two cats. They now have a cat bed on our porch but onlyOreo uses it. They (neighbors) agreed that the cats need to be fixedbecause they can't afford all the cat food and care with the kittens soI am trying to help. I don't think they are bad people I just don'tthink they really know all the dangers and health problems and stuff.Which is why I am trying to help and educate them. The children (10, 8,and 3) are very eager to listen and know more.
bunnylover, you sound like you're doing everything right. Those kittens are lucky to have you :)
THANK YOU!! I have just finished posting up onthe websites that were suggested... I would also suggest people whohave not heard of Tiger to read the post called Worried... It explainsthe situation. I will try to bump it in just a minute.
I responded to both of your posts ;) Hopefully you'll get a lot of good advice.

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