Cat Help Please

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
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Amsterdam, , Netherlands
My mother just sent me this picture of their cat. She asked me what the problem is and what to do about it... I have my ideas but I would like to see what you all think since I do not have too much experience with cats...


What are your thoughts?
Looks like the fur is matted to me. Is this on the cat's back? Is it getting older or fat so it can't groom as well? If it is a matt I suggest shaving them out rather than trying to brush at this point. It looks like it is probably down to the skin so she will need to be careful not to cut skin, which is why the clippers are a better idea.
Thanks. Yeah that's what I am thinking. SHe's not old and she's not obese. I'm thinking that her diet is really not helping. She's on grocery store crap... I've mentionned it to them before but the cat is awfully picky so they've always resisted but anyway... Not my cat. I told her to take her to the vet so they can shave it off and maybe a vet can re-emphasize the importance of a proper diet and also check for any other cause.

I would also suggest regular brushing to help prevent. My cats love the zoom groom brush. The sessions went from stressful to pleasant when I changed brushes. Now Andre purrs the whole time and will roll from side to side to make sure everything gets brushed. If I just hold the brush up Victoria will start at her cheek and walk forward so the brush goes all the way down the side. I guess it feels good?
You can pay a groomer to do this task for you, too. If she's not comfortable removing mats, a groomer will do it. You can buy small bags of different cat food, to see what she likes, to get her off the grocery store stuff. If you buy just small amounts it won't be so expensive to figure out what she'll eat. Hopefully this was worked out.
THanks. I've already told them all that years ago but what do I know :winkI'm going to let the vet deal with them. :)I'm glad they are taking her in.
Not sure but had this same thing with my now passed older cat Tbone; she would get those lumpy mats (and she was on a special diet for kidney problems). The diet might be the problem, or it may be a health problem; glad the Vet is getting involved.

Understand your frustration and Yay You for championing through..
Funny you replied now because I just got in a bit of a fight with my father over it. I'm really really disappointed as they have decided to ignore me and do whatever they want and think should be done (because face it, what do I know right?:rollseyes) Anyway, he bathed the poor thing and tried brushing it out. She ended up biting him hard enough to make him bleed and he got mad. Well, can you blame the poor thing? I keep stressing that it's important that they take care of it properly because I'm rather concerned that there is more to it than just a mat. Her coat is really dull and dry. I'm not at all convinced that she's got a good diet.

It's especially frustrating because this is a kitten we rescued and we spent a lot of time nursing her back to health, me especially. It enrages me because they play the money card but they just bought a new computer and stuff. They can afford it - they just don't want to.

I played the money card as well. I told them the longer they'd ignore it, the higher the risk of it becoming a bigger problem if the skin infects, etc.

Why bother asking me for advice if you'll just mock me and laugh and say "Oh you and your vet stuff" :rollseyesI'm also insulted because I am not run to run to the vet for every little thing and they should know that if they'd know me at all... But anyway... Yeah, just frustrated.

I know it's not technically an emergency but this is from 2 weeks ago. She's been like that for a bit now before they asked me about it as well. Why leave your cat like that knowing it is uncomfortable?

He gave it a bath with a matt? That is just going to make it worse! You have to get the matts out BEFORE bathing or they tighten when the fur dries. That poor kitty must be miserable. They are going to have to shave it out, hopefully soon.
I have a big fat long haired black cat, who is on an excellent diet and was getting fish oil for his coat, he also mats like that ... well, not like that because I trim mats out before they get that bad. He is just gross and lazy, doesn't like to groom himself at all. Much prefer a human to do it.
Yeah Brandy. :(Totally ignored what I said.

I have not heard back from them.I can only hope that they have taken action.

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