My cat has brought home a bunny for the second day in a row. This is the same bunny as before, as it has an injury that I previously observed that appears identical. Below are a few pictures:
I've done some reading, and this is what I think I understand:
-This is a wild adult cottontail bunny, and it would probably be best for me to just let him/her go. [source]
-The bunny's injury may have been caused by my cat, but it may be from another cat in the apartment complex or from an entirely different source. It could be fatal.
So my question is: what should I do about this bunny? I want to be able to let my cat out in the evenings, but I don't want her to keep bringing home the same bunny (the poor thing!). My cat has caught the same bunny twice now, so I'm considering doing something about it.
Should I take the bunny to a local wildlife rehabilitation center? Relocate him/her to a safer, more cat-free area? Or should I just keep my cat inside during the evenings/all the time for a little while?
Thanks in advance,
My cat has brought home a bunny for the second day in a row. This is the same bunny as before, as it has an injury that I previously observed that appears identical. Below are a few pictures:
I've done some reading, and this is what I think I understand:
-This is a wild adult cottontail bunny, and it would probably be best for me to just let him/her go. [source]
-The bunny's injury may have been caused by my cat, but it may be from another cat in the apartment complex or from an entirely different source. It could be fatal.
So my question is: what should I do about this bunny? I want to be able to let my cat out in the evenings, but I don't want her to keep bringing home the same bunny (the poor thing!). My cat has caught the same bunny twice now, so I'm considering doing something about it.
Should I take the bunny to a local wildlife rehabilitation center? Relocate him/her to a safer, more cat-free area? Or should I just keep my cat inside during the evenings/all the time for a little while?
Thanks in advance,