Cat and Rabbit Problem

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Aww...cute!! Is he an African Gray?

angieluv wrote:
There's more to it...heperches on the windowsill in the room where the rabbits are and recitestheir names...he loves the rabbits and they are all flopped out on thefloor with this big grey bird perched above them.:Dand youwonder why I don't have people over often:D
he's an African grey with a hugevocabulary but believe me he can be a real pain in the blank...he'srevengeful if he doesn't get his way, however, he and the rabbits dolike each other strange as it may seem :D
That's funny. You wouldn't thinkbunnies and parrots would get along, but seems they do! I'mfinding that bunnies seem to get along with just about anything...Ithink it's because they're so dang sweet. :)

angieluv wrote:
he's an Africangrey with a huge vocabulary but believe me he can be a real pain in theblank...he's revengeful if he doesn't get his way, however, he and therabbits do like each other strange as it may seem :D
I have a cat who has learned to get along withhamsters, guinea pigs, a rabbit years ago and now another. She is oldernow but playful so I was just as concerned as you with the continuousinterest however it is a cats nature. When they paw at things that isthere way of initiating play and investigating. I don't think they aretrying to hurt the rabbit. My cat did that thru the baby gate and cageat first and now they play all around the house. I leave a lot ofcardboard boxes around and places the rabbit can run if she isintimidated. I have one box Delilah goes in with shredded paper(the boxis on its side) and PITA(cat) stands on top and bats her feet under atthe rabbit and now the rabbit does it back. When PITA is trying toirritate D. she will sit inside the box, D in turn goes on top of thebox and PITA will hit the box from the bottom so it moves and D willkeep moving around on the top of the box untl Pita's butt slightlysticking out and the rabbit pounces on the cat. Delilah(4lbs) toPita(7lbs) wins. I do encourage you to pet and reassure all involved.If they chase the rabbit a lot just lock them up part of the time whenthe rabbbit is out to allow her ample time to run. My only concern iswhen they both lay down and the cat opens her mouth to wrestle, I knowcats do this to each other, but that is forbidden here chickey. I willhave to get some pics on here.
Angieluv wrote:I have 2 dogs, 2 cats,1 parrot ,2 guinea pigs and 6 rabbits and one wonderful husband whowould be even more wonderful if he did what your husband does.....thenI could have even more animals................:DAslong as there is enough room for my husband in the bed he is ok withit. He recently said it was fine if we got Delilah a playmate becausehe did not want to tell me know incase he wanted more fish (hishobby)/images/emoticons/confused.gif(excusethis format, UGH)
Ok, update. This morning I awoke tofind Sunny INSIDE the barrier/gate I built around Maisie'scage. I'm now seriously considering getting their front pawsdeclawed...and I've NEVER considered doing this!!! I just seeit a situation as they're going to be around each other the whole restof their lives, and I see serious problems arising if Sunny doesn'tstop it. She is INCREDIBLY stubborn and mischevious, toboot...she won't stop until she can get to the bunny, and with themhaving claws, I just don't see it as a happy union.

Does this sound outlandish to you guys? It would also solvethe problem of them scratching our faux suede sofas (thought suedewould be too weird for the, so it's really looking like agood idea right now. I've NEVER been one to advocatedeclawing, but I think at this point it is the ONLY thing that willever let the cats be around Maisie safely.

I mean, I think about doing the Soft Paws idea, and I think, "What ifone falls off and the nail is ready for a new one, and I don't noticein time, and they scratch Maisie? What will I do then?"

Does all that make sense? I now feel totally panicked...maybe I'm just
maherwoman wrote:
Ok, update. This morning I awoke to find SunnyINSIDE the barrier/gate I built around Maisie's cage. I'm nowseriously considering getting their front paws declawed...and I'veNEVER considered doing this!!! I just see it a situation asthey're going to be around each other the whole rest of their lives,and I see serious problems arising if Sunny doesn't stop it.She is INCREDIBLY stubborn and mischevious, to boot...she won't stopuntil she can get to the bunny, and with them having claws, I justdon't see it as a happy union.

Does this sound outlandish to you guys? It would also solvethe problem of them scratching our faux suede sofas (thought suedewould be too weird for the, so it's really looking like agood idea right now. I've NEVER been one to advocatedeclawing, but I think at this point it is the ONLY thing that willever let the cats be around Maisie safely.

I mean, I think about doing the Soft Paws idea, and I think, "What ifone falls off and the nail is ready for a new one, and I don't noticein time, and they scratch Maisie? What will I do then?"

Does all that make sense? I now feel totally panicked...maybeI'm just
Yes, since youasked, I do think it is extreme to declaw your cats. If youwant links about the declaw issue, I will send them to you (but only ifyou want them). A much cheaper and better alternative foryour catsis to trim their nails the same as you do a rabbit'snails. We trim the nails, front and back, on all our housecats. It's simple and free. Once you start trimmingand keep trimming on a regular schedule, you will be able to the nailsblunt. It should be easier on your furniture also, easier oncats and the rabbit, not to mention easier on the wallet. Wehave too many cats at the shelter who have been declawed and thendevelop a biting problem. Also, we have quite a few who havedeveloped walking problems and are in constant pain because theirsurgeries were p*** poorly done. It's really a bigrisk. If you aren't sure about how to trim, you vet tech canshow you.
I's a bit much to take them in toget them declawed. I was pretty dang panicked when I wrote itinitially. Sorry to worry you. Lol...

At any rate, I also belong to a cat site, and asked around on there,and found a couple ladies that also have rabbits with kitties, and saidthat there shouldn't be a problem. One of them suggested thatI get the kitties SoftPaws for the first couple months while they learntheir limitations. We'll be going with that.

Thank you! :)

Yes, since youasked, I do think it is extreme to declaw your cats. If youwant links about the declaw issue, I will send them to you (but only ifyou want them). A much cheaper and better alternative foryour catsis to trim their nails the same as you do a rabbit'snails. We trim the nails, front and back, on all our housecats. It's simple and free. Once you start trimmingand keep trimming on a regular schedule, you will be able to the nailsblunt. It should be easier on your furniture also, easier oncats and the rabbit, not to mention easier on the wallet. Wehave too many cats at the shelter who have been declawed and thendevelop a biting problem. Also, we have quite a few who havedeveloped walking problems and are in constant pain because theirsurgeries were p*** poorly done. It's really a bigrisk. If you aren't sure about how to trim, you vet tech canshow you.
Ya know, I've thought about it since then,and read something someone replied to a thread I posted on the cat siteI frequent...and I think she was trying to let Maisie out...probably toplay! She's been really intent on constantly being around thecage the past few days, and rolls around, showing her belly and suchwhile she has Maisie's attention. So when I stop and thinkabout it, while calm, I think I'm realizing Sunny wants to PLAY withMaisie as a friend.

It just requires me having the guts to let them all playtogether...which requires me putting something called SoftPaws on thecats, which is basically a vinyl coating you put over a clipped kittynail. Should prohibit the cats from injuring her until theyall learn their limitations (or maybe from now on...we'll see).

So, I've learned that it's not such a dier circumstance, and things areactually MUCH better than I thought originally. :)

angieluv wrote:
What actually was Sunnydoing when he was inside the barrier? Was he trying to gethispaws into the cage?
Heh, you know what's funny? My cat isscared of my rabbit! I have a huge 20+ pound cat, and he'sscared of my little bun! She just tries to be friends withhim, but he just gets scared and waddles away.
Yep...that's what I figure is goingon. At first I thought she was rolling over in frustrationthat she couldn't get into the cage...but when I think about it, itwould either (a) be a sign of submission (which I don't think is thecase, as they do it during or to end a fight), or (b) a sign of wantingto play.

Hmmm...we're going to get them Soft Paws today so the three of them canbe out together without the worry of clawing. Maisie is avery gentle, friendly little bunny, and is so eager to spend time withthem, so I figure if she uses her claws for anything...sheneeded to. Does that sound reasonable?

I'm excited to get the Soft Paws and see how they three react to eachother without the claw threat!! I wonder what they'll do whenMama's fear and worry is removed from the picture...

I'll let you guys know how it turns out, ok?

Much love! :kiss:

angieluv wrote:
When my cat is beingplayful with one of the rabbits he rolls around and shows his bellytoo

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