Cat and Rabbit Problem

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...

Ok, so I've had Maisie the bun for about a month now. I've worked at getting our two kitties (about 2yrs old, male and female) used to her, by letting her out around them (under close supervision), and letting them come around her cage and sniff noses through the cage, and such.

Well, now, about a month later, the cats still seem to view her as more of a toy than a friend, and just won't let it go! It's frustrating, because now that Maisie's in the livingroom along with the cats and not behind closed doors in a bedroom, we've had to build a gate around the length of the cage with the NIC panels and attach some at the bottom so they cannot bend it in toward the cage to stick their paws in to try to play with her. From what I've gathered, they just want to play, but I'm worried that in them wanting to play with her they might injure her. I'm not sure they even view her as another animal, but rather possibly a toy Mama's bought for them, or some such.

Anyone have any ideas? Our kitties are normally very friendly, so I'm surprised that they won't seem to calm down about her being around. Maybe it's their still relatively young age, I don't know...but they won't just relax and stop being excited at her every move. They slink over to her cage if she drinks from her bottle, if she's crunching on food, if she's bathing, if she's doing pretty much anything. ARGH!!

Now, granted, our male, Hobbes has gotten A LOT better about getting used to her movements and not getting so excited at her every move, but there are still times that even he gets caught in the excitement. Now, I don't mind if they sit and watch her...I mind if they get excited and start trying to play with her by shoving their paws as close to the cage as they can through the gate I built. Sunny, however, doesn't seem to leave the situation alone. I see her constantly trying to shove her paws through.

It just disturbs me that she won't just chill out about it. Argh...

I would just put Maisie in another room, but there isn't anywhere else. We live in a one bedroom, and my daughter has the room. If I put Maisie in the bedroom, she'll wake my daughter up at night, and that just won't do.

Any ideas?

Thanks, guys! :)
This is probably something you should havethought about before you got a rabbit. Some animals don't getalong with each other. There's not much you can do about itexcept keep them away from each other.
Actually it is something I thoughtabout, and researched much about before bringing Maisie home.Everything I read said that cats and rabbits get long famously, so Ididn't think it would much of a problem. Especiallyconsidering the temperment of our kitties.

As for my resources...I'll put my main one:

The good thing is that Maisie isn't afraid of our kitties ATALL. She goes right up to the side of the cage they've goneto, and tries to sniff noses with them. It's clear that sheviews them as potential friends, and wants to introduceherself. She doesn't hide at all. Sounds like she'smore patient than I am with this introduction! :)

I didn't want you thinking I brought home a bunny without researchingfirst. Actually, I researched for over eight hours, and onlybrought her home when I was sure the situation was not dangerous forher, and that we could give her what she needed. The onlything that's changed since we brought her home is us recently movingfrom a two bedroom to a one bedroom place. I just don'tbelieve in getting rid of an animal friend because a situation changesa bit. It just takes time.

Thanks for your thoughts, though.

Lissa wrote:
This is probably something youshould have thought about before you got a rabbit. Someanimals don't get along with each other. There's not much youcan do about it except keep them away from each other.
Hi,Sorry, this will all come out in a big chunkof text coz I'm having problems making my paragraphs show up.My catswere intrigued with my rabbit when she first came home. We worried thatthey would be a perceived if not real threat but over time thissituation has resolved itself and neither takes much notice of theother. However, we were able to keep them in different rooms until thenovelty wore off and now, under supervision, they co-exist and evenplay together happily- if anything, alfie is the one who poses a threatto the cats!I think you are going to have to hope that Masie isnot too upset by the constant attention and hope that the cats becomeused to her and less exited about her. Sorry that seems a bit uselessbut can't think you can do much else if the cats have to share theliving room with her
Do you have a squirt bottle? When youare in the room with Maisie and the cats, when you notice that they areexhibiting behavior that you don't like, squirt them a couple of timesand give them a firm NO! And be prepared to do this over andover again, they should get the hint at some point. I have a big dog(75 lbs) and a cat along with Miffy and I could not have them allwithout a squirt bottle. My cat Hobbes really just wants toact like mom did not bring that "thing" into her house so she leavesMiffy alone. My dog Calvin, well he is just so darn happy tohave something else around, he would not know what to do with Miffyother than sniff the heck out of her.

So that is my suggestion, heck I even use it on Miffy when she decides to dig at the carpet.

Thank you so much for theencouragement!! Yeah, ultimately I can see (both with MaisieAND the cats temperments) that it will resolve. It's justhard seeing them so excited about her, ya know? The article Iput in my above reply says it could take months, so I just have tolearn to be patient. Lol...I guess that's a virtue I'll haveto work on, huh? :)

alfie and angel wrote:
Hi,Sorry, this willall come out in a big chunk of text coz I'm having problems making myparagraphs show up.My cats were intrigued with my rabbit when she firstcame home. We worried that they would be a perceived if not real threatbut over time this situation has resolved itself and neither takes muchnotice of the other. However, we were able to keep them in differentrooms until the novelty wore off and now, under supervision, theyco-exist and even play together happily- if anything, alfie is the onewho poses a threat to the cats!I think you are going to haveto hope that Masie is not too upset by the constant attention and hopethat the cats become used to her and less exited about her. Sorry thatseems a bit useless but can't think you can do much else if the catshave to share the living room with her
Oh, that's too cute...the attitudes of bothyour Calvin and your Hobbes are so funny!! (Love the names,by the way...did you notice our male's name is Hobbes? Looksjust like him except silver where the orange should be.)

I love how you say Calvin just wants to sniff the heck out of him. :) CUTE!!

I'll take the water bottle into consideration...thank you!

hummer wrote:
Do you have a squirtbottle? When you are in the room with Maisie and the cats,when you notice that they are exhibiting behavior that you don't like,squirt them a couple of times and give them a firm NO! And beprepared to do this over and over again, they should get the hint atsome point. I have a big dog (75 lbs) and a cat along with Miffy and Icould not have them all without a squirt bottle. My catHobbes really just wants to act like mom did not bring that "thing"into her house so she leaves Miffy alone. My dog Calvin, wellhe is just so darn happy to have something else around, he would notknow what to do with Miffy other than sniff the heck out ofher.

So that is my suggestion, heck I even use it on Miffy when she decides to dig at the carpet.
My cats are now afraid of the buns! their longears unnerve them!the buns also make a game out of chasing the's really funny to watch!
That's adorable!! I mean...I'm sure the cats don't like it much, but it's funny as heck!!

I think the ears are the thing that get them excited themost...Maisie's ears flop around a lot (though she's not a lop...she'sgot a dad who is, and a mom who isn't, so she's in between), so theyREALLY catch the cats' attention. Lol...:)

Greta wrote:
My cats are now afraid of thebuns! their long ears unnerve them!the buns also make a game out ofchasing the cats... it's really funny to watch!
I have an elderly cat and a middle-agedcat....the elderly cat wants nothing to do with the buns but themiddle-aged one,W illiam, seems to like the buns a lot but ...I thinkthat he thinks that they are cats as he will roll on his back andsometimes swipe a paw at them. I am lucky in that William is de-clawedin front so I know that he can't hurt them. I thinkthat maybe he could accidentally hurt them if he had claws. You shouldprobably only let your bun with your cats when you are right there towatch them and its possible that in time they will become so accustomedto the bunnyand they will pay no attention to him.My youngest dog is fascinated with the buns and would love to play withthem if permitted...she would be too rough with them (even though Iknow she in not exhibiting aggression) so I don't allow them to runloose when she is present. :D
Keep working on it and you will get to the pointwhere all are comfortable together. Believe me, I know fromexperience... We have 16 cats and 3 house rabbits and havehad cats and rabbits together as companions for over 16years.

Some of it may be related to the cage. When I fostered somebunnies recently for HRS, I had to keep them penned. Thiscaused quite a stir with my cats who are used to free roamingbunnies. Goblin, a youngster, and Cookie, a senior (whorecently passed away), both did the paw play for the first week.

Most of the time, our cats ignore the rabbits. One of ourbunnies does tend to chase the cats and get aggressive if the cats getin her hay.

An extra word of encouragement - some of our cats are barn cats who areoutside during the day. They spend theirdaysridding the world of small rodents. Not a one of them hasever, ever been aggressive toward the rabbits. A few of ourmale cats, Maine Coons, are very large - 19 pounds and never botheredeven the smallest dwarf or mini-rex rabbit.

Our cats and rabbits share their space free run 24/7. We havehad rabbits who 'adopted' a stray kitten we found and would cuddle andgroom her. I have one tiny mini-rex who runs to one of the 15pounder cats, puts his head down and butts her until she gives him awash up. One of our cats routinely sleeps with her bestrabbit friend.

The article you are citing is a good one and it seems you are doingeverything right. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you willhave success with you cats and rabbit.
angieluv wrote:
seniorcats sounds like you have a really nice animal family:D
Thank you, I think we do have a happy animalfamily. Ihave to say I have a great husband who hasalso become a rescuer of abandoned and unwanted animals.
I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 parrot ,2 guinea pigsand 6 rabbits and one wonderful husband who would be even morewonderful if he did what your husband does.....then I could have evenmore animals. :D
I agree with do have a nice family. :)

Thank you so much for the encouragement. Some days it feels abit hopeless. Like I've mentioned...the saving grace rightnow is that Maisie is so obviously not scared of them. :)

I know, ultimately, it'll work out fine in the end. Ourkitties aren't territorial and have been around other cats FINE before,so I don't really see that it'll always be a problem. Myhusband has mentioned what you said...the whole just-out-of-reach thingbeing so exciting to them with her being in a cage. I'm justnot brave enough for an alternative. Lol...

Both of our kitty babies are so very I know it's just aphase. :) They're not in the least bit agressive inany way, and I think the basis of it is just wanting to play.I think Mama is just not ready for it quite yet, ya know? lol

seniorcats wrote:
Keep working on it andyou will get to the point where all are comfortable together.Believe me, I know from experience... We have 16 cats and 3house rabbits and have had cats and rabbits together as companions forover 16 years.

Some of it may be related to the cage. When I fostered somebunnies recently for HRS, I had to keep them penned. Thiscaused quite a stir with my cats who are used to free roamingbunnies. Goblin, a youngster, and Cookie, a senior (whorecently passed away), both did the paw play for the first week.

Most of the time, our cats ignore the rabbits. One of ourbunnies does tend to chase the cats and get aggressive if the cats getin her hay.

An extra word of encouragement - some of our cats are barn cats who areoutside during the day. They spend theirdaysridding the world of small rodents. Not a one of them hasever, ever been aggressive toward the rabbits. A few of ourmale cats, Maine Coons, are very large - 19 pounds and never botheredeven the smallest dwarf or mini-rex rabbit.

Our cats and rabbits share their space free run 24/7. We havehad rabbits who 'adopted' a stray kitten we found and would cuddle andgroom her. I have one tiny mini-rex who runs to one of the 15pounder cats, puts his head down and butts her until she gives him awash up. One of our cats routinely sleeps with her bestrabbit friend.

The article you are citing is a good one and it seems you are doingeverything right. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you willhave success with you cats and rabbit.
Now that's cute...your husband's even in on it now! :)

I have to husband's already warmed up to Maisie, and it tookhim about a YEAR to warm up to the kitties. I bet it wouldhave taken longer had she been a free-roaming house bunny!I'm sure it helps that all her mischief happens IN her cage, and not inthe HOUSE. Lol...

He really is a wonderful husband, though. He's fallen in love with our babies as much as I have. :)

seniorcats wrote:
angieluv wrote:
seniorcatssounds like you have a really nice animal family:D
Thank you, I think we do have a happy animalfamily. Ihave to say I have a great husband who hasalso become a rescuer of abandoned and unwanted animals.

angieluv wrote:
I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1parrot ,2 guinea pigs and 6 rabbits and one wonderful husband who wouldbe even more wonderful if he did what your husband does.....then Icould have even more animals. :D
animals do get used to each parrotwalks around on the floor..the dogs are scared of him and he's alwaystrying to bite the cats about an odd household!!!!!!:D
Oh, now that's FUNNY!! I would loveto see your kitties' reactions to that! I had a boyfriend inhigh school that had a parrot...funniest thing to see him walk aroundon carpet. They're great! :)

angieluv wrote:
animals do get used toeach parrot walks around on the floor..the dogs arescared of him and he's always trying to bite the cats tails....talkabout an odd household!!!!!!:D
There's more to it...he perches on thewindowsill in the room where the rabbits are and recites theirnames...he loves the rabbits and they are all flopped out on the floorwith this big grey bird perched above them.:Dand you wonderwhy I don't have people over often:D

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