cat and rabbit bonding?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2011
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, , USA
hi. ive noticed that my bunny is just WAY MORE mellower and lovable and nice ever since my cat and him were interacting. usually when i take him out to play and the cat is sitting on my bed, he'll jump up onto the bed and put his head down next to her and lay down with his eyes closed. he'll do this a lot and ive noticed he just seemed so much more lovable and mellower. could this possible be the cat doing this? should i not allow this? is it fine? please help
Many cats get along with pet rabbits. It's wonderful if animals can bond like that. Does the cat stay inside all the time? If it goes outside it could bring home fleas or mites or a disease. You'd just have to watch out for that.
You can still get fleas even if the cat doesn't go outside anymore. The fleas can come in on you, the human.

That is great that your cat and bunny are bonded. Just don't leave them unsupervised like you would two bonded bunnies.
ya. cuz sometimes all of a sudden the cat will nip at his ear or hit him with her paw so ill push her away from my rabbit.
My roommate recently adopted a cat that's about the same age as Abby (7 months) and they are super cute together. I find that Abby doesn't care so much for the cat, moreso tolerates Loki, but he just loves her and wants to play.. but will mostly control himself. He's pretty gentle mostly, but they're never alone together as he does sometimes nip her or bat at her with his claws out.
Overall, it's super cute to see a cat and rabbit play together, so happy for the two new friends.
I don't know if our Dudley and our Devon Rex Naru are 'bonded' per say, but they certainly don't mind each other at all. She will walk buy and he will follow her around. They are both a grey/blue colour, so I think Dudley thinks she is just like his mummy!

Long story short - there are no problems between them and Naru spends most of her time during the day in with Dudley in his room! I think cats though need to show other animals who is boss, because in the end cats love to have servants just like rabbits do! Naru will often give our dogs a nip or a swipe if they are being too energetic or too close, but it often is with no nails out or very light just to say 'hey, back off'.

I personally think rabbits and cats can make great friends! They can both be quite lazy :p

My cat loves the rabbits. They play together, sleep together, and he grooms them too.


that's exactly what my rabbit does too!!!! my cat will also groom my bunny and he'll sit back and relax. so cute
I think a friendship between a cat and rabbit can be really beneficial, particularly if they are the only of their species in the house. They are both social and need interaction. I think it makes them much happier to have friends to play with.
