Cat advice and YUCK microchip!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2009
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Amsterdam, , Netherlands
Unfortunately yesterday I had to take Houdina to the vet's for her recall, rabies shot, and microchip. She was pretty stressed as she HATES going to the vets and ran as soon as I took out the carrier. lol smart cookie...

Anyway, when we got there she gave the vet quite a bit of attitude and she was none too happy with us after her first two shots. I felt really bad but heh, no choice. The vet then prepped her for the microchip... Yeh... Have you guys seen it? :shock:I almost passed out when I saw the darn thing! I started stuttering and asking if it wouldn't be better to freeze her or something... Finally I requested that a technician hold her down so I could leave the room. Lol.

This is what the needle looked like... WARNING: don't look if you're terrified of needles :shock:

Anyway... I expected her to be pretty sick because usually she is. However, there's been none of the usual side effects. The only thing is that she's been sleeping... I mean... Lots of sleeping. She went into hiding a few hours after the shot so I prepped her kitty bed and placed it on my own with some blankies for her. As soon as she saw it, she curled up into it. She's been there ever since. That's like... 21 hrs ago :?I haven't seen her get up to eat or drink, nor even use the litterbox. I know shedid all thatjust a few minutes before going to bed though. She just hasn't moved at all since from what I know. She looks mighty sweet, not in pain or anything. No fever... So I guess it just knocked her out? How long would this be normal for? And when should it become a concern?
Sorry, I don't know a thing about cats. However, They put those chips into bunnies, even mice (lab mice--it helps them keep track of which one is which). They look big, but don't worry, it's very important for them to be chipped and it's not as bad as it looks, I've heard.
Yeh I know but still couldn't help being impressed by the size of the needle :pLol. I hate them! :embarrassed:I can't imagine a rat... Bah lol. Scary for me. Hihi
I've watched a lot of animals get chipped, mostly at the shelter but a few at the animal hospital as well. I can't ever recall seeing an animal react to it, but the owners freak out all the time. That's why we usually do it where the owners can't see.
Lol well she didn't take it so well but I definitely took it worse. My other cat Baloo is lucky as he is geting his while he is asleep for his neuter. :)

Houdina was very lethargic this morning still although I heard her jump onto the windowsill but come back a few minutes later. She looked a little sad so I picked her up to cradle her and she started howling. I put her down right away but she seemed quite unable to move at that point. She crawled away slowly, lying low... So I gave her a few seconds and then gently massaged along her body to see where it hurt in particular. It seems to be her stomach and the vet had noticed she had a distended stomach butshe figured it was the stress of the vet exam. :?Houdina's wanting to be snuggled and cradled but it hurts her. I hate seeing her like this. She walked for about 5 mins, but it was a slow walk, not her normal movements.

I am giving her pedialyte now to make sure she stays hydrated. She ate a little bit last night and seems to want to eat again today but I think it's best not to feed her? What do you think?

I'm taking her in at 1:00, they couldn't see her before.
I will say with shots if your vet noticed something it should not have been given shots in human and animals.

Weaken the immune system. Like when some folks get the flu shot that get the flu.

But the Microchip have seen one cat react out of all the dog cats rabbits and birds I have done at the shelter
Sorry was so exhausted I simply crashed last night.

We went and the vet examined her. Houdina was growling like crazy but the vet said she wasn't too concerned upon exam, said she did notice some discomfort but she wasn't sure what would be causing it. Not wanting to take any chances, I opted forthe x-rays. 144$ later, we found out she is simply constipated. Phew! Ah well, at least we know now... :)

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