Carrots causing loose stool?

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Feb 11, 2010
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
So we've had Zero for about two weeks now and when he first came home, we gave him a carrot (the kind you buy with the big leafy tops attached). We gave him just one and the next day he had some mushy stool. So I didn't give him anymore and have been giving him some Kale and Raddish tops and his stool returned to normal. Last night, we tried another carrot and today, mushy stool. Is this normal? Should we stop giving them to him or does his stomach need to adjust to the new food since I don't think he got any carrots prior to us getting him. Oh and he's about 3.5 months old.

Yes, carrots can cause tummy upset. They are very sugary and starchy.

If I buy the carrots with the tops, my buns only get the tops with a small (maybe half inch) slice of carrot still attached. The rest gets cooked for dinner for me.

Rabbits should only get very small pieces of carrot, maybe a small half inch slice or a small baby carrot as a treat.

If it upsets his tummy, I would stay away from it for now. Maybe start introducing it in very small pieces when he's a bit older.

Carrots are starchy and should be given a treat. Try given him a small piece (maybe half an inch long) and see how he does. Feeding a whole carrot is far too much.

Also, he's very young, so new veggies need to be introduced very gradually to make sure his tummy is able to handle it.
Ah gotcha...poor guy :( I feel bad now. I just came home after a trip to the store and his behind was covered in carrot colored urine (I presume it was urine)....I think I am just going to cut them out of his diet (or only give them to him in VERY small amounts).
Zero seemds to be especially sensitive to carrots. Some buns digestive systems just don't tolerate certain veggies well. It's a good idea that you are cutting them out of his diet. We were recently reprimanded by our vet for feeding too many carrots.
rabbits are very commonly and often incorrectly associated with carrots.
my rabbit however have had no trouble with carrots, why they'd eat anything that even smeells carrot-ty

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