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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Ok guys, I need opinions! I'm looking at gettingcarriers for my boys seeing as how they really are a necessity and I'llneed them sooner or later.

My question is, which ones are best? The cat carriers or thecrittercarriers that are brightly colored?

And does size really matter as long as they fit inside? I was thinkingthat If I got thosecrittercarriers I'd probably get an over-sized one so they have lots ofroom to move around.

The last question I have is what do you line the carriers with so thatif they pee, it gets absorbed because newspaper doesn't absorb itreally fast and litter is too messy.
Bumping this one up for ya MBB, due to the factthat I would be interested in what others have used as well. Myself, Ibought two hard/plastic ones to bring the girls home in and lined thebottom with litter and then a towel over each THEN the grate over thiswhole riffraff of stuff. They had the longest traveling timeimaginable,and I thought it best to have something a little bit moreabsorbent than just litter under their bottoms! I would like somethingelse though for daily travel (ie. vet...)

MyBunnyBoys wrote:
Ok guys, I need opinions! I'm looking at getting carriersfor my boys seeing as how they really are a necessity and I'll needthem sooner or later.

My question is, which ones are best? The cat carriers or thecrittercarriers that are brightly colored?

And does size really matter as long as they fit inside? I was thinkingthat If I got thosecrittercarriers I'd probably get an over-sized one so they have lots ofroom to move around.

The last question I have is what do you line the carriers with so thatif they pee, it gets absorbed because newspaper doesn't absorb itreally fast and litter is too messy.
one thing to consider when getting a carrier for you bun iswhen you travel in the car you can not predict traffic and ifyou should happen to have to stop sudden for any reason, the largeryour pet taxi is the more you bun will get tossed around and more proneto hurting himor her self.
This is the type Cali flew in with fromCalifornia. They had put a diaper liner in the bottom to makesure she'd stay dry. It worked really well.

This type of carrier is easy to clean up, the rabbits can't chew on itif they get upset (as Tucker would), and they're easy tohandle.

I'm not worried about The carrier being too big,they are over 12" long when they sit hunched up and I want them to beable to have some room, the biggest soft carrier is only 15" long.

I've got a sort of idea for a liner that would be cheap for me. I couldeasily buy material, sew it into a sack with a zipper at one end andfill it with litter inside. That way it's easy to change, reuseable,washable, and cheap to replace.

What's your thought on this idea?
What about cloth diaper liners? Don't laugh, I'mserious. They're soft, very absorbant, would safe if chewed, andcomfortable to lay on. I can get you some links for them, even somesites that tell you how to make your own :)
MyBunnyBoys wrote:
I've got a sort of idea for a liner that would be cheap forme. I could easily buy material, sew it into a sack with a zipper atone end and fill it with litter inside. That way it's easy to change,reuseable, washable, and cheap to replace.

What's your thought on this idea?
The first thing that came to mind was one of those covers for bedpillows. Not a pillowcase, rather one of the plain cotton kind with azipper that you put on your pillows to keep them clean (and tokeepthe feathers from sticking your face). You can get themat any linen store and they're really cheap. I think that what I'mgoing to start using myself in our carrier. I'll probably experimentwith different "fillers".

We only have one carrier. It's a Vari-Kennel. It's just big enough fora bun to lay down and stretch out in. I like it because I can detachthe top from the bottom which makes it easy to clean and store. When weneed more than one, we go to the shelter (RBARI in Oakland NJ) where mydaughter used to volunteer and they have lent them to us. We fosteredand then adopted our doggie from them and even though Danielle doesn'tdo volunteer work anymore they are still happy to help us out.


Carolyn wrote:
Thisis the type Cali flew in with from California. They had put adiaper liner in the bottom to make sure she'd stay dry. Itworked really well.

This type of carrier is easy to clean up, the rabbits can't chew on itif they get upset (as Tucker would), and they're easy tohandle.

Someone doesn't look too happy. :X
I'm probably going to take Spice into one of thepet stores in a nearby city and let him test carriers out. I need onewith easy accessability and is easy to get them into. Easy to clean isa plus. I've found cat carriers that are the hard plastic but have adoor on the top and the front too for easy access. Granted those aremore expensive, but if it's what I need why not?
I use a cat carrier for mine. It worksok, but dont do many car rides. I use a water bottle and i end up witha wet stressed bunny. Is there anything else i can provide instead ofwater. Plus we are talkiing about a short ride. They want to see santasoon.

For short car rides I don't give water in acarrier. Instead I carry a small bowl and a sealed water bottle and letthem drink when we arrive. For longer trips, stopping every so oftenmight be the way to go.
ok maybe sometime this week they can see santawhile the kids are in school. It maybe mean but we dont take the kidsto see Santa. My oldest will ask for the most expensive thing and wefeel bad cause santa didnt bring it. I know the bunnies wontask for alot. Actully my oldest is ten now and i amsure he dont really think Santa brings presents anymore, or the toothfairy. he lost his tooth before our payday and said he figured thetooth fairy would have to wait to payday to give him money.Thats when you know they dont really think its real anymore.



You read Cali's expression perfectly. That was the first time I hadseen her when she flew in from California and I was quiteintimidated.

* * * * * * * * *


I also use a small rabbit cage for their transportation. Then you don'thave to worry about lining the cages, etc. You might check withbreeders nearby. You can use the type of cages they use to transporttheir rabbits too. A local breeder may be able to steer you in thedirection on where to get a good deal on them.

You're wise not to use waterbottles for car rides because as you hitbumps, the waterbottles tend to leak. Buck Jones always uses littlebowls when he packs up the buns for the road.

If you're worried about it, you could also just give them celery -which has a lot of water in it for the time being until they get totheir destination. Having Cali flown from one side of the United Statesto another, we couldn't put water in the cage at all, so had tosubstitute celery instead.

Let us know what you decide on.


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