Carpet Spray

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Well-Known Member
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego, California, USA
Have you alll tried different sprays for your carpet and furniture to stop bunny chewing? which one did you find the be the most effective? Yesterday I bought some stuff at Petco, it's called something like Yuck Chew or something like that. Its to spray on the carpet so my naughty little Dori will stop pulling up my carpet ALL over the place! BUT, I"m thinking this isn't going to work, I think the little stinker actually likes the stuff :shock:. I spray and spray, but she still chews. I saw the Bitter Apple stuff but it was the most expensive so I tried this one first. Do you all think Bitter Apple would be better? What has been successful for you?
I just gave up trying to stop my rabbits pulling up the carpet. They don't eat it and I hate it, so I don't mess with it much. I have tryed making them stop a couple times, but nothing works. This anti-bunny-chew stuff sounds like a really good idea. I've never heard of it before. If you find some that works could you please tell me.

When I decide that I'm sick of carpet destroying I put something heavy on top of the carpet. Like a concret stepping stone, or some furniture.

Yuck No Chew is supposed to be good.
It was the only product that worked for our neighbor's dog.

Bitter Apple works for a lot of buns....others actually like it.....go figure.

I've had some good results with plain white vinegar.....makes the room smell a little like a salad for a bit. (good for getting pee stains out, and keeping them from peeing in the same spot again.....sometimes)

I have one bun (Binkie)that is obsessed with chewing the carpet. I have to closely supervise her or she eats it. Nothing seems to really stop her.
A spraybottle with water in it works, but she's so bad that she ended up soaked by the end of runtime. So I opted for some of that canned for cleaning your keyboard. It works well, but really riles her up. I usually catch her from behind and she'll spin around ready to tear that air up!!
Oh I actuall started trying that canned air today! I told my husband we may just have to use that for a while and hope it will eventually make her stop. She does immediately stop as soon as we spray the air near her vicinity around her bum. I'm going to finish the Yuck No Chew stuff until it runs out, then I'll try the Bitter Apple see if any of it works. Sigh...I have a feeling I won't be getting my deposit back for my apartment whenever we move out.