Carpet digging!

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Mar 9, 2011
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Tacoma WA, , USA
OK so we just moved and our new apartment is to die for. Beautiful old windows with window seats. Beautiful rooms every thing is lovely. Our manager spend a lot of time getting this place perfect for us and we have waited three months for it. The best part is the brand new chocolate carpets in all the rooms that are only in our apartment. They make the rooms look very warm and soft and go beautifully with the hard wood areas. I am in love AND so is Fraggles! She has started to show her love by DIGGING in a corner. I chased her away (causing her to binky of course) and she had ripped up some fibers :(. Though not enough to cause damage thank god! But now I am very concerned and the digging has to stop somehow. Please!!! Any advice! By the way Jason still blames sand gnomes and says Fraggles would never dig the carpet!
Well, I think all bunnies like digging. My girl loves to dig our carpet too. Now we give her a cardboard box filled with shred newspaper and cardboard. So yeah, she digs herself in and digs digs digs there. Maybe you can try with your girl. How about taking her out for a walk ? Or if you have your own backyard or something. During Easter, we went back to my husband's hometown and took Kimiko out for a walk. First she liked to hop around, and then when she got familiar with the yard, yes, she digged digged and digged. :D
Oh, I don't know it I'm right, I also notice that Kimiko will dig less when we clip her nails. My thought is that her nails make her itchy when they grow ??? :?
hmm...digging and ripping up carpet is so much fun for i would watch her, maybe go buy some cheap carpet and pay it down or something in places she is most often
:yeahthat:I agree with all of the above.

I also went to Wallyworld and bought the plastic runner carpet protector and put that in spots where the monkies were being brats. I know you are thinking my Babies are toooooo cute to be Brats.:weee::pinkbouce::yahoo::rofl::laughsmiley: This protected the carpet, they chewed it at times but always spit it out, of course making me clean it up. What we do for these bunnies.



You can still send Fraggles to me.:biggrin2::lookaround:rollseyes:big wink:

Protect the corners with something as they are most tempting. Can be anything... a big tile, brick, hunk of wood etc. Another good option is to put a digging box in the corner so she can dig but can't cause damage. Use something with a solid bottom not cardboard in case she goes through the card and into the carpet.
I have had to put something down beside the couch so Benjamin doesn't dig the carpet. Try a carpet runner with a good thick backing ( I got mine from Zeller but would think Walmart would have them ) Then put some toys, old phone books, chunk of wood, stuffy or whatever in those area. She play with that and leave the carpet alone. Maybe you will have to spray for those sand
I use a heavy duty rubber backed mat with a dig box on top. I put a bamboo mat and paper in the cardboard box. They have a ball and I just keep an eye on it. When they dig down to the floor mat I replace the box and it starts all over.

I have found rabbits to be very determined once they get something into their brains. It's much easier and less frustrating for everyone to just find a way to turn their "bad" behavior into a safe one that they can do what bunnies do. They out smart me every time if I try to thwart it rather than accomidate.
I think you should place a piece of remnance carpet over the areas of carpet she is choosing to dig. If more than one area you can get creative. Put a liter box full of shreedded paprer over one area of rug she is digging, a small wood box with carpet in it at another spot...etc etc Kinda like a park course. LOL Each area has something different do dig or play with??? No???
We are going to try the carpet remnant,runner and maybe the digging box although I don't know what to put in it for her cause she EATS paper and is not allowed to play with it. She is not just shredding it. She will eat a shred of paper just like a stock of hay. Thanks for all the great idea's and I will also be spraying for sand gnomes lol. Susan, I really think Daisy Mae wants to live with me and you should send her immediately. Keep the idea's coming everyone!
If she's chewing carpet I think putting carpet in place is just going to make her eat the remnant, which sounds dangerous. I would try a large tile instead (good too for cooling off in hot weather too, which I think will eventually get to us!) I use toys and timothy cubes to distract my little busy rabbit too, which helps to keep her from obsessing (currently she is obsessed with the cabinet I built around my computer cords). I keep her interest in cat lattice balls by occassionally putting a few pellets in one. You could also fill a box with hay for digging, too, assuming she wouldn't mistake it for a litter box. Just some ideas!
Oh, I see now. I saw the 'not enough to cause damage' and wrongly read it as not enough to cause damage to herself because she ate it, but now see it was not to damage to the carpet. Sorry for my mistaken dissaproval due to misreading!
Benjamin travels in a large tupperware type container. You can get quite large shallower ones that slide underneath bed. Maybe if you used that instead of carpet runner in the area she is chewing it would work. Add toys, chewy objects, alalpha cubes,etc

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