Well, we had the vet out and he's been the equine vet state official, etc., his son is a vet, his other son (who I went to school with) is an equine chiropractor and his daughter inlaw is our small animal vet...... LOL! I haven't had the farrier out yet but Doc M. trimmed her and told me to soak it. She does have a horrible smell like thrush X10 today. She's been so funny tho! If I turn my back, she raises her foot out and I turn back she stands there and I swear she's whistling as she slips it back in the tub! :whistlingShe did that until finally I gave up cleaning her stall and sat down to brush her legs while she soaked and enjoyed the attention! LOL!
My sister inlaw saidthe abscess and smell isfrom standing in crap all day (she doesn't think we pick enough.....but we have a run in and the rain comes in and it's been wet... we stripped the stall one day, 3 new bags of shavings and the next day it looked like we hadn't cleaned in months!) I was so mad! I wanted to ask her if that was how her horse got such a bad one a few years ago.....
ssd:I take GOOD care of the horses... they have better dental care and checkups than I do!! They have a run out that is dirt - mud right now - and their grass pasture is flooded so they can't be out there at the moment - they go out as much as they can tho! I have even been checking on her horse since he's been sick - and we've done that with ALL of their horses when they were colicy, sore, kidney infections, cancer (my daughter even helped clean the wound/eye socket before he died) and stuff.Her commentreally hurt me as well as made me mad. I just think about things they do or don't do that would make your blood boil - and I know who is wrong!!
Anyhow, I think I'll try to polident thing... not alkaseltzer? but the polident, right? Thank you for the advice. I've never dealt with an abscess and it's pretty scarey! I've heard horrors! We had her packed in medipack the first night but the vet said she wasn't that bad so try this and then see how she was in a few days. She was standing on it some tonight
I gave her Bute tonight with her feed ..... she probably won't need it anymore.
I've used that Fura... stuff before! we used it on their poa that had cancer.... we've used all the Furazone, etc., it's great stuff. So is SWAT for keeping flies off open wounds.
She and Kota got their shots yesterday also..... so they are good for the year. Glad that's done!