And another :yeahthat...
For the most part, if you are going to be keeping a rabbit outdoors,you will need to have a hutch that is sturdy, not exposed to theelements (strong winds, rain, snow, sleet, sun), large enough for therabbit to be able to run around, and one that provides a solid sleepingsection that will also give the bunny a place to go if a predatorhappens to enter your yard. (Some bunnies die of fright easily, and thehaving a predator attempting to get in the cage can be enough totrigger death, especially if the rabbit feels trapped and exposed, withno place to hide.) The wire on the hutch must be of a sturdy gauge (nochicken wire...predators can easily tear through it, and rabbits areknown to chew through it as well). Living in an area where it gets coldin the winter, adequate warmth must be maintained for the bunnies. AsNaturestee suggested, keeping the hutch in a shed (with adequatelighting) is a great idea. Insulating the hutch is a good idea, as isproviding plenty of straw for the bunny to burrow into, so he/she canmaintain body heat. Freezing of water in winter is also an issue; youcan either be dedicated to constantly changing frozen water dishes, orif you are fortunate enough, have a heated water system. In the summer,heat can be care must be taken to maintain cool temps(taking humidity into account as well). Good locks are alsorecommended, as not all predators are four-footed :X...and raccoons arewell-known at opening latches too.
Outdoor rabbits can have happy, healthy lives, just as indoor bunniescan, but it does take a
lot more work and commitment on theowner's part. The bunnies have to be given at least as much attentionas an indoor pet, preferably even more, as illness and injuries can gounnoticed very easily if the rabbit isn't handled every day. And I dobelieve that a rabbit kept outdoors does much better if he/she has acompanion, as they are very social creatures. I have two rabbits whoare housed side by side outdoors, but in the winter and in on thehotter summer days they are brought inside. They also get the run ofthe yard when I'm home, for as long as I'm outside with them. So thisinvolves me giving them attention for several hours after I get homefrom work, and for most of the weekends as well. My life revolvesaround bunnies and dog these days!