Well-Known Member
Hey there! I've decided to start a blog for my buns to share their journey to become (hopefully) playmates. I don't intend to move Max in with Alaska and Gixxer but I would like for the three of them to at least get along well enough to all be out and the same time and share toys...ya know, be civil (hence why I want to call them "frenemies"). As is stands right now, Alaska and Gixxer HATE Max and Max just wants to be with the humans.
To start off, here is Alaska. She's my first bunny, I got her on 7/14/07 at a pet store where the owners were trying to get rid of her for some friends of theirs. She's about 1 1/2 yrs old. I took one look at her and my heart was gone.
One of my very first pics of her, seriously, how could I not have taken her home! Look at that face!
Can I eat these?
Bunny Statue
Ahhh...It's a good life!
Someone call me?
Next came Gixxer. He is approx 1 yr old. After Alaska was spayed I thought that she would like to have a playmate. So the bf and I went to Animal Control on 10/28/07 to take a look at the bunnies. I fell in love with a Cali but the bf did not want a rabbit that big so we were about to leave when Gix sticks his head out of his hidey box in what we thought was a vacant cage. One look at his adorable face and one touch of his rexy fur and that sealed the deal, he was our new bunny. Alaska had NOTHING to do with picking him out so we were SO lucky that they fell in love at first sight. Gixxer is named after my bf's motorcycle. He has a Suzuki GSX-R and they are called "gixxers" for short. I thought it was cute. He tolerates being pet every once in a while but mainly is not a "friendly" bunny. But he binkies, flops and even sometime nudges me for nose and ear rubs so I know he's happy. One more thing about Gixxer, he gives the BEST "disapproving" looks.
I so want to eat your face right now human.
Yeah, I pooped right there, what are YOU going to do about it?
Hello Daddy
Please help me!! My slave never lets me out, doesn't feed me or ANYTHING!! Please, do you have just one papaya tablet that you could spare for this poor hungry bunny?
You don't believe me??!! Whatever...infidel:X
I am SO over you slave!
I see you!
Alaska and Gixxer are TIGHTLY bonded, they are so in love with each other...see?
Last, (but not least) is my Max. I got him from a girl that has posted him on Craigslist. I had actually emailed her and told her to post him on here to see if anyone wanted him. She did but I could not stop thinking about him so I emailed her and asked about his personality we talked back and forth a bit, talked the bf into it and brought him home on 7/13/08. He's about 1 1/2yrs old and he's my buddy. He loves to be held and pet, he actually fell asleep with me in bed one night! Funny thing is I really wanted a lop for my next bunny, I guess it was fate
I LOVE head rubs!
Hey, why did you stop?!
That's more like it!
Are there raisins in here?
This is my favorite pic of him so far. He loves to hop around on Chris and all of a sudden he decided to flop all dramatic and wound up on his back with his feet in the air. He laid like that for a few minutes then rolled onto his side and started nudging Chris for pets.
Well this is my blog start, hope you all like the pics of my crew
To start off, here is Alaska. She's my first bunny, I got her on 7/14/07 at a pet store where the owners were trying to get rid of her for some friends of theirs. She's about 1 1/2 yrs old. I took one look at her and my heart was gone.
One of my very first pics of her, seriously, how could I not have taken her home! Look at that face!
Can I eat these?
Bunny Statue
Ahhh...It's a good life!
Someone call me?
Next came Gixxer. He is approx 1 yr old. After Alaska was spayed I thought that she would like to have a playmate. So the bf and I went to Animal Control on 10/28/07 to take a look at the bunnies. I fell in love with a Cali but the bf did not want a rabbit that big so we were about to leave when Gix sticks his head out of his hidey box in what we thought was a vacant cage. One look at his adorable face and one touch of his rexy fur and that sealed the deal, he was our new bunny. Alaska had NOTHING to do with picking him out so we were SO lucky that they fell in love at first sight. Gixxer is named after my bf's motorcycle. He has a Suzuki GSX-R and they are called "gixxers" for short. I thought it was cute. He tolerates being pet every once in a while but mainly is not a "friendly" bunny. But he binkies, flops and even sometime nudges me for nose and ear rubs so I know he's happy. One more thing about Gixxer, he gives the BEST "disapproving" looks.
I so want to eat your face right now human.
Yeah, I pooped right there, what are YOU going to do about it?
Hello Daddy
Please help me!! My slave never lets me out, doesn't feed me or ANYTHING!! Please, do you have just one papaya tablet that you could spare for this poor hungry bunny?
You don't believe me??!! Whatever...infidel:X
I am SO over you slave!
I see you!
Alaska and Gixxer are TIGHTLY bonded, they are so in love with each other...see?
Last, (but not least) is my Max. I got him from a girl that has posted him on Craigslist. I had actually emailed her and told her to post him on here to see if anyone wanted him. She did but I could not stop thinking about him so I emailed her and asked about his personality we talked back and forth a bit, talked the bf into it and brought him home on 7/13/08. He's about 1 1/2yrs old and he's my buddy. He loves to be held and pet, he actually fell asleep with me in bed one night! Funny thing is I really wanted a lop for my next bunny, I guess it was fate
I LOVE head rubs!
Hey, why did you stop?!
That's more like it!
Are there raisins in here?
This is my favorite pic of him so far. He loves to hop around on Chris and all of a sudden he decided to flop all dramatic and wound up on his back with his feet in the air. He laid like that for a few minutes then rolled onto his side and started nudging Chris for pets.
Well this is my blog start, hope you all like the pics of my crew