Can't properly sex my bunnies

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
, Kansas, USA
They are 6 weeks old. I watched some videos and even pdf files. Looked at the bunnies' private parts several times, but they all look the same way (I have 4)

Are they too little oram I too unexperienced?
I was easily able to sex mine at 6 weeks but they were pretty big (almost 2 lbs) so I'm not sure if that made it easier. I sit with their head closest to me with them on their back and their bum closer to my knees. You put a small amount of pressure on the actual orfice (so not the anus which is closer to their tail). I pull (again very slightly) their tail back just to get fur out of the way. A boy will be a round opening and a girl will be a slit that gets thinner toward the tail. Sorry for being so graphically descriptive :shock: but I hope that helped!
With the males at that age you should be able to see their internal parts easily. Push the fur out of the way. Using your fingers make the hole open up. You will also want to pull their tali back and down. The male part will come out.

It helps to put the rabbit on their back. I do this while the rabbit is in my arms. The rabbit should be on its back resting in your arm or hand. The but should be in the direction of your body. I do not know how to explain it better than this sorry. I had someone show me how a few times and that is how I learned. It takes experience to learn.
When you are looking, one thing to think about is that males look like a doughnut and females look like a taco. Since both pop out with a bit of pressure, that alone is not enough to determine the sex.
Rabbits can be tricky to sex, especially if you don't really know what to look for. They are not too young, but younger rabbits can be harder to sex. Even experienced breeders and vets can be wrong from time to time.

If there is a breeder in your area, ask them if they can give you a hand. You can also try getting good pictures and e-mail people if you can meet (this may be hard to get good, clear photos).

If they all look the same, it could be that they are all the same sex. The next step is to determine if they are males or females.
I can usually sex with accuracy at 2-3 mos old. This video really helped me!

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