Can't make two buns like each other

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Los Angeles, California, USA

I have had two buns, one is 2.5lbs Neitherland Dwarf (Molly), and the other one 6lbs Mini-Rex (Penny), for about 2 to 2 1/2 year. And I just can't get them to be friends. First of all, everything I tired has failed. I'm so afraid that they will kill each other, that I gave up. The little one (Molly) seems to be the trouble starter, she is the one always going crazy on the other side of the cage when Penny comes close. The times we tried to acquaint them, it seemed that Molly would start the fight, but then Penny (larger one) would finish it by chasing Molly and trying to nip her butt. They are both spaded girl, who I think have developed some kind of teritorial behavior.

Has anybody here succesfuly "friended" two bun, one being twice the size. And one of which being moody. Also the larger rabbit, is a sweetheart now, but was also a bit fysty when she was younger.

Any ideas would help. I really want them to be friends.

Thank you.

Some rabbits are just incompatable unfortunately. I have 2 medium bucks and one small doe. One of my bucks hates any other rabbit near him at all. He can be very vicious about it if he wants to be. The other buck on the other hand, is great, they were bonded almost instantly to the doe and the doe is 4.5 lbs while the buck is almost 8 lbs so it goes to show that size does not matter.

I can't find the post right now and I really need to hit the hay so I'll let someone else post the link to all the bonding information but keep in mind that some rabbits will just not get along no matter how hard you try.
What have you tried, and how long have you tried it for? Even with the best techniques that might work well with your rabbits, it can take weeks, even months before the rabbits are bonded.

Size does not matter. My 2 lb Polish adores her 5 lb Dutch boyfriend. Of course, I had to *convince* them to like each other because they fought at first. Little Mocha- the Polish- is actually the most aggressive rabbit of my four.

I agree with MBB- not all rabbits can be bonded with each other. I can not bond Mocha with Fey and Sprite. She tried to kill them. Literally. She's very territorial and she gets jealous if she sees Loki flirting with the other buns.

I think this is the thread MBB was thinking of. It's from Bunny 101, which has lots of great info organized by topic.

This is my favorite site on bonding. It has helped me a lot.

Hope that helps!
We have tried putting their cages together. They seem to like eachother, but only when they are seperated. They even sleep close by.

We tried taking them to nutral grounds, for them to greet each other, which ended up in a fight.

For a while we let two rabbits go into other rabbit houses, I thought maybe they get more acustom to the other's scent.

To this day, Molly gets so worked up if Penny is running around her cage. And when Mollly is out, she sometimes runs up to Pennys cage to starts a fight. Penny just sits there. Molly is an enstigator for sure. She tries to nip through the cage.

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