Can't get Reddit to bond

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2012
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reno, Nevada, USA
We've been attempting to bond with Reddit for a couple weeks no. He hates being touch outside his cage and will absolutely not tolerate being picked up and held. He will bite, scratch and anything he has to do to get away. I'm worried he might hurt himself if we keep trying to bond with him, because he'll kick very powerfully. Any suggestions? I want him to be happy in his new home
Rabbits are prey animals, so they trust very slowly. I would suggest not trying to pick him up (feels like a bird of prey carrying them off) for a while until he can feel more confident. Treats should always come from your hand so he can start to associate you with yummy nomms.

Also, get down on his level. I love to lay on the floor and read out loud to my buns. At first totally ignore him, don't even look at him. You can have a couple snacks laying in your hand to draw him over, but rabbits are very curious. He will want to know what you are doing. The more you ignore him the more he will try to get your attention. Don't be shocked if he starts to hop on to you, nose bonk you, and try to sit or nibble on the book.

After a few days of ignoring you can try looking at him. Then slowly as that gets comfortable you can try to offer a pat, usually a scratch on the nose or cheeks is appreciated the most. Hands are scarry to a bun, so let him get used to you slowly.

There's a great article in the library about bonding with your rabbit. I highly recommend reading it. Good luck :)
jap08m wrote:
We've been attempting to bond with Reddit for a couple weeks no. He hates being touch outside his cage and will absolutely not tolerate being picked up and held. He will bite, scratch and anything he has to do to get away. I'm worried he might hurt himself if we keep trying to bond with him, because he'll kick very powerfully. Any suggestions? I want him to be happy in his new home

It does take a while for some bunnies to tolerate being picked up. Not something natural for a bunny to be off his feet. And being out of his cage, it a whole big world for a bunny. And understand the worry about him injurying himself. Bunnies will do anything to get away when they are scared.

My Dobby was never a bunny who loves to be picked up and snuggled. He now tolerates being picked up. But now likes to be held in my lap.

I found out what Dobby's favorite treat is, sat on the floor when he was out and about. And when he would come to me, I'd pick him up, hold for a few seconds, put down, and give treat.

Lots of work on my part, but was worth the effort. Tolerates being picked up, but now likes to snuggle on my lap.

our rex has never had a problem being picked up but out mini lop did. when she was younger we tried and tried and she always freaked out.

our solution was to sit with the bunnies and let them explore us. we found they love a little piece of dried fruit as well as almonds. i would break the almond into 5 or 6 pieces, put on a baggy sweater and hide a few pieces on and in the sweater.

once i coaxed her over and give her a little piece of almond her little nose went into high gear and next thing you know i have a cliff hanger lop crawling on my. after a few tries i would put the almonds up on my shoulders and when she got to them i would slowing put my arms around her like a cradle so she would get used to the feeling of restraint while enjoying a tasty treat.

needless to say this didnt happen over night. but with some time spent we have been successful. she will still try to get away from you when to go pick her up every now and aging but once shes in our arms its tooth clicks and snuggles. dont give up on your bun. they love cuddles they just need to introduced to them slowly.

PS... just a note. keep that baggy sweater handy during this time. i never hand place my rabbits on the ground due to the possibility of a kick and broken back. i get down on my knees and allow them to jump down from a safe height to keep the feeling that holding them isnt bad if they can simply hop away. the sweater will save your forearms from scratching for the first while. hope this helps!!!