cant decide

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Active Member
May 11, 2014
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newark delaware
We are looking for a rabbit and i found someone with rex mix bunnies he said they are rex mixed with some kind meat rabbit. He said they will be ready to go in 2or 3 weeks that will be 4-5 weeks old. He said they all look healthy. Im am just getting it as a pet do you think they are good to adopt? He said they are starting to eat in thier own and will be eating on thier own before they leave.
I personally think people should either get rabbits from a rescue or from a reputable breeder. The rabbits you are talking about sound like some random mix which can be a recipe for health and behavior problems. Also, I have read that it's best to wait until rabbits are 8 weeks old before they are sold. That's the law in my state too.
That is too young. Those rabbits are so much less likely to live than they would be if they were older.

Personally, I would only buy a baby rabbit over eight weeks, but six weeks is considered the youngest you can get them.

Also, like Bville said, mixed breeds are more likely to have problems. Breeders try to keep all health problems out of their rabbits, but mixing breeds can bring those all back again.

I would recommend at least getting the babies at eight weeks, not five. I don't know if you should maybe go somewhere else, but those rabbits need to be bought by someone, too.

Personally, I wouldn't buy from a person that sells such young rabbits. Clearly, they don't know a lot about rabbits.

Really, no offense though. You should tell them that they need to wait before they sell them for them to be older.
hmm I know that they shouldnt be that young and they said that they have problems if they are left with the mom for more than around a month so it seems like they are ignorant but i do really like one of the bunnies and they do need to be bought by someone they are only 15.00 so its not that much of an investment should the rabbit die or something. sigh I feel kind of bad for the rabbits it seems like these are farm rabbits or something it looks like they live outside.
They said they would keep the bunny until after our trip to the beach and they should be 6 weeks by then so maybe ill do that.
If you really love the bun, you should get it. However, keep in mind that you will get very attached and it will be much more than &15. It will take a bit of your heart if it dies.

Sorry, that was a bit intense. Anyways, I think that you should maybe get your bun at the latest time possible... Just make sure you reserve it. It will have a better chance of survival that way.
Yeah that way i wouldnt have to worry about someone else watching it after i just got it and it can be with its mama more.
they are only 15.00 so its not that much of an investment should the rabbit die or something

That statement right there just shows how much you should NOT get a rabbit.
Breeders like that should not be purchased from, ever. Not only are you supporting crappy back yard breeders by buying this rabbit but you're helping them break the law. If people stopped buying rabbits from people like this, there would be less crappy back yard breeders in their first place.
Rabbits are not a "cheap" "disposable" item. These are a lifetime commitment, they are ANIMALS. Pets. They cost money and require plenty of attention and care. Are you prepared to spend a few hundred dollars on emergency vet bills should something happen to this "cheap disposable" $15 rabbit?
Sound like you have A LOT more research to do before you're ready to commit to a rabbit.
I agree with Watermelons. Please don't see a rabbit as an 'investment'. It's an animal that deserves love and care.
I don't know if that's a reason not to get a rabbit...

Honestly, (and I feel absolutely terrible about this now) I went into it with the same sort of attitude. I don't know that I thought it was just an investment, but I sure didn't have any idea how great rabbits were. However, it became clear to me in the first day that I had Otis, that rabbits are special and amazing animals. I loved him SOOOOOO MUCH.

Not everyone is the same, though, and some people keep that attitude that whole time. (How sad).

Although you kinda ARE supporting a crappy backyard breeder... I agree with watermelons on that one. But, as I said, someone has to buy them.
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I know rabbits need a lot of care ive had one before and we will provide vet care if it needs it. It will be out of the cage alowed to be with us as long as we are there to supervise it so the rabbit will get plenty of love and attention.
Sounds like you have a pretty good idea of what they need... You do probably need to do a little research though. I regret not doing any research before I got Otis.
yeah i do and i will. I think im going to get this bunny though it will be 6 weeks when i get it and its mixed which i know is bad but ive already fallen in love with it and it could turn out to be a great bunny despite the breeding.
Yup I'm sure he will. The only reason mixed breeds aren't great is that they might have health problems. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it great, though.

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My hubby and i thought about it and even though we really līke that bunny we decided to go with a breeder that will have some purebred standard rexes available in about 7 weeks the bunny will be 8 weeks old when we bring it home. That way we wont have to worry so much about it having a ton of health issues or dying from being taken away too soon.

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