I trained Fluffy to come up on the couch but here's the thing: she only stays if she wants to! She will definitely come up if I have treats but as soon as the treats are gone, so is she. She usually runs around the room a bit and then comes back up for a licking/nose rub session.
A few things: my couch is out in open space. She will only approach it from one direction, where there are more hiding spots for her. Try putting a hiding box or basket or toy, or a row of them, leading to the couch.
My floors are hardwood and she hates hopping down from the couch onto them because she slides. I had to put a towel down on the floor at first to get her to come up and down.
Treats or favorite toys, definitely. I never lifted Fluffy onto the couch, I just kept leading her up. She tried to stretch too, but you give one and then move away farther. And farther. And farther. Until they decide to hop up!
Fluffy likes to be up high. Some rabbits don't. My couch isn't too high though, she can easily hop up and down.
If I'm sitting on the couch she will generally come check me out, see if I have any snacks, but I can't count on her to sit down and veg out to the tv with me.
Here's some proof! She had some carrot in the first picture.