Can you hear me now?I will be MIA

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
So this weekend will find me in Bastrop, Texas..shooting a Verizon commercial. It should be surprisingly painless, the last one was anyway, as far as these things go. 10 hours and a drive for a ridiculous amount of pay to follow the Verizon guy around.

I feel special.. I am part of "The Network".. heh.

I lie.. once you take gas for a Hemi out.. I think I might get $3.

Ok, It's more than that, but I think you people get the idea, gas is hella expensive.

The plus side is, I wont be that far from Austin, I get to stay with fantastic friends for the weekend, cruise up and down 6th street, which, my friend just IM'ed me to tell me the street has it's own web page..

I think my street needs it's own web page... **

ANYWAY.. we also get to do a fantastic pub crawl. Actually a costumed Steampunk pub crawl.. which if you don't know what that is.. I will spare you the details because it might tarnish you peoples image of me to think of me in Gothic Victorian clothes, spats, fingerless gloves, top hat, goggles and huge guns with gold filigree work.

Hi.. *wavey wavey*.. ima dork! (That was my Tard wave)

So.. from now on, when ya'll see the stupid Verizon commercials.. think of

I forgot... the best part will ACTUALLY be.. i will be childless AND manless for over 24 hours...
GoinBackToCali wrote:
I forgot... the best part will ACTUALLY be.. i will be childless AND manless for over 24 hours...
Ha ha this is the best part,lol. Forget the three whole dollars, and the commercial, it is the freedom that is the best, have fun.
GoinBackToCali wrote:
I forgot... the best part will ACTUALLY be.. i will be childless AND manless for over 24 hours...
Does this mean I shouldn't call your cell phone while you're shooting?

Or can you be on the phone anyway?

They hired 90 people to be "in the network" and follow the Verizon guy around..some of us will "appear" to be in the celly..

I dunno if we actually can
What I think is hilarious - is Zin goes up there to do this commercial.....

..... and has problems calling me on her cell phone...

She insisted my cell phone wasn't working.....but I was able to get through to her.

Tell me Zin...




P.S. You'll notice I was a good girl and didn't ask if you had Verizon as your cell phone carrier.....
Peg, you're too funny!:biggrin2:

Awesome Zin! I will absolutely think of you when I see the commercials! When the shoot starts, run to the front:p.

Best of luck!
So, im back.. ok well I have actually been back..

Notes from the shoot...

If there is something to trip over.. no matter how miniscule.. I will not only trip over it, but in an effort to keep myself from hitting the ground, I will not only grab the person in front of me, I will take them down with me.

Starving actor types can stuff alot of the free food in their backpacks for later.

Kooky married coupples with weird collecting habits will corner you and pick your brain for eBay tips if you happen to mention that at some point in your life you were an eBay power seller.. Do I think anyone will want to buy napkins from bars?.. yanno the imprinted ones.. not bloody likely...

Funny comments my friends made that I have committed to memory after sharing with them whats going on in my life up until this weekend...

*Wilderbeasts and computers do not mix*
*Never cut a family members hair with a flowbee*
*Howdy Doody Did have a child, and he's got a family of his own now*

And my personal fav... * It is the child's duty to work off their debt.. indentured servitude is a birthright*

None of these make any sense out of context.. but after a few pints of Guinness.. they make me laugh most heartily..

It also made everything that was eating at me all better...

I still think its funny that you got paid to be a stalker....and on tv even.....


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