hi i wanted to know if rabbit that is non show quality can the doe give birth to bunnies that can be showed?doe and buck has papers just wanted to now think you
There is a possiblity that the non showable doe can have showable babies. I know that netherland dwarf breeders use 'vienna marked' does in their BEW lines and the babies are showable. I think that if you do use the mismarked doe(I'm assuming that's why she's not showable) then you may have babies later in the bloodline showing mismarks. Genetics are like a pair of dice, just never know what you'll get.:biggrin2:Good luck if you breed her! What breed is the pair?
At least half of my brood does are not show quality but they throw babies that are when bred to the right buck. They either have a color fault like being a charlie or they are over the weight limit for my breed. The have the genetics to throw nice babies though. I have one doe that is the homeliest mini-rex you have ever seen. She is a charlie that weighs 5 lbs which is ove the weight limit for mini-rex but she throws beautiful 4 lb kids that do well on the show table. She has had 2 litters from 2 different bucks and has produced 4 grand champions so far.
From what I have seen does that look awesome as Juniors/young Seniors once bred they seem to loose their type in some way. Grow white hairs from pulling their fur, get long in body if they have big litters, and my does end up blowing their fur and it never comes back right. Some does(very few) who has had babies you would never know it.
If the does comes from typy lines and/or was typy has a baby I would say yuo could get good babies. If you don't why not keep a doe from the litter and breed to a typy buck?
I have several rabbits that are not showable and still throw beautiful, showable babies. I have a couple of Mini Rex does that do not have the right pattern (markings) for showing, but have lovely, perfectly marked babies. I have a Flemish Doe that isn't showable because she is missing a part of one ear, but again, her offspring are gorgous.