Can rabbits eat Ready Brek?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
Baile Atha Cliath, Eire
My uncle who used to breed rabbits told me that they can but dont heat it or ad dmilk or anything - just throw some 'raw' bits into the bowl!

My uncle is a joker so I dont know if he was messing or not!

Should I give them little amounts each week? or is it really bad for them?
these are the ingredients:

Wholegrain Rolled Oats (60%), Wholegrain Oat Flour (39%), Calcium, Niacin, Iron, Pantothenic Acid (B5), Vitamin B6, Riboflavin (B2), Thiamin (B1), Folic Acid, Vitamin B12.

so i don't think there is anything that is terribly bad for the rabbits, but i don't see any point in giving them all that carbs. it would be better to just give them daily veggies and a few rolled oats as a treat then to specially buy this for them.

imo. . . maybe someone has more knowledge on this then i do


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