Can rabbits dream?

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
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Memphis, Tennessee, USA
I had to get up at 1:30 to calm Toby down lastnight. He was thumpingVERY loudly andrepeatedly. I didn't turn on the lights and when he saw me byhis cage, he freaked out, running and scrambling all over thecage. He's never acted this way before. My twogirls, who live right beneath him were not upset at all, just annoyedthat he was making them lose their beauty sleep.

After I picked Toby up, and talked to him, he calmed down and was finefor the rest of the night. They live in the house.I wonder if a fly or something got in there and spooked him.I don't know what else it could have been. I didn't seeanything unusual, besides his behavior. Can they havenightmares? I know it sounds crazy, but I'm just looking foran explanation.


I would be shocked if they couldn't dream,Laura, although I don't know of any evidence or whether it's beenresearched. Perhaps he heard a noise outside?Iimagine there was no obvious indication of where the fear would comefrom.

Once in a while Cali will get into a repititious thumping in the middleof the night and I have yet to figure that out as well. Iused to tell Buck that she must've seen a ghost and letting me knowabout it.


Laura, I would be a little freaked out too ifBunny started acting like that! You know I've always wonderedif rabbits do dream...or if they can remember things from when theywere younger. That would be neat if they had pretty good longterm memories of their old friends or family. I'm glad Tobyis fine now!

I've seen Mocha's legs and ears twitch while shewas sleeping, and her breathing rate would change and she would looklike she was sniffing the air. I'm pretty sure she wasdreaming.
Yes, I'm sure my dogs dream, too. Theysort of half-whine and move their legs like they're running.It's the funniest thing to watch. The bunnies don't sleepsoundly, so I wonder if they do or not.

Carolyn, maybe he did see a ghost! He sure acted like hedid. I guess Snuggy and Baby were oblivious to it.They were just looking at me like, "What IS his problem?".


Laura, believe it or not I have had theprivilege of witnessing Apollo dream. We were stretched out on thecouch napping. First the mouth and nose started moving , then the earsand then his front legs started moving and then his back legs. It waslike he was running. So yes, they do sleep.

All of mine have done just what Toby did last night. I neverknow if it was something outside, some sound, bad dream, whoknows...

But as soon as I come in and snuggle whoever is upset, he or she settles in and is fine the rest of the night.

Poor Toby. Maybe he dreamed that he went somewhereand he fell asleep and when he woke up his umm man parts weremissing.:shock::p

we've seen Princess dream several times.. veryhard not to giggle and wake them up when their little legs try to runand their noses go up and down like they're munching hay :D
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
In the middle of a nap, my dog used to bark and flail herlegs like she was running after something......i think animals dodream.....:magicwand:

Hey Ellie :p

My dog does the SAME thing. I say he's chasing rabbits. :? Hugs!
I believe rabbits can dream. Vash willgo to sleep sometimes and start to twitch his legs and his nose andmouth will start to move like he's munching on something.Probably dreaming of eating dried banana chips. :p

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