Can I take them out of the nest for like 2 minutes to get a picture of them all???

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
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Earl Grey, Saskatchewan, Canada
I just want one.. or two good pics of them at this age.. can I just take them out of the nest for a couple minutes to get a good picture??? I will put them on a clean blanket, andd then put them back right after..
We've done it without a problem. Just be careful not to drop one...sounds dumb, but those little buggers can really flail around if they think Mom is touching them! We usually take the whole nestbox out rather than trying to take the kits out one by one and then trying to put them back one by's disturbs Mom less.
Thanks.. I ended up doing it. I am soo happy with all four of the. They have a little fuz on cute. Maybe you guys can help me with possible colors they will be? But, it is probably too early to tell? I have soo much more to learn about this whole breeding process..but love what I have experienced so far!
You can handle them every day from the day that they are born, in fact you should be to ensure that they grow up to be happy bunnies used to human attention.

Mother rabbits mostly feed their young in the morning and evening, so fifteen or so minutes a day to make sure everyone is a okay and is given a gentle snuggle is the way to go.
Okay perfect!! I was going to ask how long I can have them out for.. I let two of my kids hold them. They were amazed and soo gentle with the little bunnies. Of course, I made them wash their hands and make sure they were completely dry before handling bunnies.

I really want all four bunnies to be very friendly and used to being handled. One of themis going to a young girl about 13 years old. and two of them will be going to a lady who has two children, ages 14 and 15. And the last one.. I havent decided whether I will find a home for it.. or if I want to keep it yet. We will see how attached I am by the time comes.

Good thing I am a stay at home mom.. cant wait until these little ones are hopping around the house.
Your biggest thing when you take them out is make sure they dont get cold. If they get cold they use their energy to warm themselves and thats not good.

At this age, I only took them out for a quick second to take pix and right back they went.

You're brave for letting the kids hold them! My husband constantly called me greedy (in a joking manner) because I wouldnt let the boys hold them lol.

Cant wait to see pix!
Well.. they have been soo good with them yesterday and this morning.. not going in their room, I let them pet them.. with one finger very gently and I was impressed. So, I made them sit down with their hands cupped and placed one kit in their hands (one child got to hold a kit at a time) that way I could sit RIGHT beside them (rather in front of them), and had my hands cupped around theirs. They did really good.

We had them out for about 5 minutes. They are back in their nest in the cage now.. and we arent bringing them back out again today. Tomorrow we are gone to a family reunion, so they will have LOTS of rest from me then haha.
I always took my babies out constantly. When you put them back make sure that you cover them up with fur if it is cold. I LOVE baby rabbits. It was always the best part of having rabbits.
Okay good.. then I dont feel soo bad. I dont want to cause any issues with them.. but Bubbles doesnt seem to mind at all. I want to be able to handle them as much as possible without hurting them or creating any issues. Want them to be really well socialized for their new homes. Apparently I cant keep any now.. I had one more person contact me about them. I guess.. I will have to have another litter when Bubbles is ready to go again.

How long would you suggest waiting after they are all weaned and gone to new homes before rebreeding?

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