can i please ask an important question

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Hi Varna,

I asked my vet the same thing - and yes they can, but as you said its alesser form and inmost cases theycan pull threw,but you would still have to take them to the vets.

Mxyo isquite high where I live and I have my bunny (Snowball)vaccinated twice a year / VHD once a year

Sharon xx

Hi Varna, Hope You are well !

I found this for you and it seemsas long as teh rabbit is vaccinated theVHD coming back isnt an issue , butvaccinations need to be updated forsafetys sake


[*]6. My rabbit lives indoors. Can it still catch VHD?
  • Yes! The virus itself is very resilient and lasts a long time in theenvironment. Plus, it only takes a very small number of virus particlesto make an infective dose (as little as 100 virions, and if oneconsiders that millions fit on a pin-head, you can appreciate theproblem.) VHD is acquired by direct contact with infected rabbits; inwater; in food; on people, clothing, objects, vermin, other domesticpets; from birds feet/droppings; airborne.There have been outbreaksrecorded (in Austria) where rabbit owners handled someone elses animalsincubating the disease and took it home to their own rabbits who thendied.

[*]7. What can I do to stop my rabbit getting VHD?
  • First of all, it seems that pet rabbits living outside with run ofthe garden are especially at risk. Try to bring him indoors. If that isnot possible, make sure his hutch is insect-proofed; don't leave thehutch door open for birds to fly inside. Make sure no vermin go nearthe hutches or food store. Keep other pets away from your rabbits,especially if they hunt wild rabbits.The above suggestions may reducethe risk a little, but the ONLY reliable way to protect your bunny fromVHD is to have him vaccinated. EVERY RABBIT IS AT RISK FROM VHD ANDEVERY RABBIT SHOULD BE VACCINATED AND BOOSTERS KEPT UP-TO-DATE. Once heis vaccinated, he is safe, and you can relax and if you wish, allow himto resume his romps in the garden *
  • I am still looking for answers on the Maxie though.

It was about Mxyo that I asked my vet, but gypsy has answered your question on VHD !

Your Welcome Honand I found an awesome site for the Maxie also Iwas going to copy it for you and paste it here butits a bit long and involved , look through it , Ithas lots of information even what can carryit and how its transmitted . another Viralinfection that needs boosters .

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