Can I have some prayers please?

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Well, I finally broke down and went to the hospital. Kicking and screaming, I might add. I had wanted to wait, but the pain was so severe and I had gotten so sick that it was no longer an option. I had no choice but to go. So, to the ER I went. And thank goodness I did since I was quite the sick girl.

I was diagnosed with something called hemorrhagic cystitis with a secondary kidney infection. The hemorrhagic cystits is basically a very severe urinary tract infection. I have another condition called interstitial cystitis that I was diagnosed with years ago that precipitated the infections I currently have. I went into the ER with a fever, chills, and blood and pus in my urine (sorry it's gross). And I had very severe abdominal and back pain.

I'm not feeling better yet as it will take close to a week for even the antibiotics to start working enough to kick the infections. I'm still feeling pretty horrible and I'm in a lot of pain, but at least we know what it is and can work on treating it. I'm on an antibiotic called, "Cipro," which is pretty common. I needed IV antibiotics, but am unfortunately allergic to the only options. I was also given, "Percocet," for the pain. So, needless to say, I may be a little, "loopy," as well.

I'll be on and off the internet today. I've been resting A LOT. I can't do much else than that...but I'm happy to finally be getting better. I was SO close to losing function of my kidneys. I shoudn't have been so stubborn and I should've gone to the hospital a week ago. But, oh well, at least I'm being treated now.

Thanks so much for the support and I can use any prayers you're willing to offer.

<3 Alexah

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this! You poor thing! Kidney infections can be so serious if left untreated. I've had them before, although nowhere near that bad and they are sooo painful.

Sending lots of hugs and good thoughts hoping you will get better soon!

And if the painkillers make you loopy, you are not alone as mine are doing the same to me! We can post rambling rubbish together! :)


Jen xx
We can be cipro buddies - I'm on it too this week!

I'm so sory sweety, sounds horrible. But it should start to get better now

:hug:feel better!
Definately sending good vibes and saying a prayer for you. I am so GLAD you went to the hospital especially since it was something so serious. I'm sorry you feel so bad, that must be terrible. I am glad they gave you some medication to help heal you and give you some relief. Yes, rest up!

By the way, being a little "loopy" is not so bad :)

So glad you will be able to get better - that's a really serious thing.
Thank you all for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers. I would write more, but after writing on Tiny's memorial thread, I think I need to just head to bed. I'm still in a great deal of pain and I'm just not feeling well at all. I've just taken my meds and will be cleaning myself up and going to sleep for the night. But know that I am grateful for everything...and I will surely write more tomorrow.

<3 Alexah
Oh God, that sounds so nasty. I had a bad kidney infection the beginning of last year, I went to the doctor just in time, had I not I would've been in hospital. I think it was the sickest I've ever been, I was so exhausted from shaking uncontrollably, the antibiotics made me sick every night and the pain was unbearable. I dread to think how bad you must have been feeling! :shock:

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a quick recovery. :hug:
I am so glad you went to the er.. I hope you feel better soon.. My daughter had a severe kidney infection when she was 5 and they slapped her in the hospital and they thought she was having kidney failure... prayin you feel better soon.
I'm sorry to read you were so sick and went through all this. It must have been very painful. Well, better late than never, it's fortunate you went into the hospital before any irreparable damage occured in your system. I wish you speedy recovery and that all is well for you from now on.

I'm so glad you caught it before any permenant damage was done! Feel better Alexah... sending healing vibes your way.... get plenty of rest. :hug:

"Hope you'r hopping back soon!"

I soappreciate all of the support, kind words, and prayers...

Unfortunately, I'm still not well. Yesterday marked a week since I was in the ER, diagnosed, and given medication. The pain was still near unbearable and I was still bleeding and showing signs of serious infection. I'd finished the last of the antibiotic and decided that I needed to go back since I was beginning to think I was getting worse rather than better.

So, last night was another night spent in the ER. They told me that the infection was still there and worse than it had been last week. The Cipro hadn't made a dent in the infection. I also got another CT scan and they suspect I may have, "crystals," in my kidneys. They're somewhat like stones, but on a smaller scale. Anyway, it was not much fun and I'm over this and wanting to just feel better already!

They prescribed a medication called, "Macrobid," to see if that would kick the infection. And they also gave me more pain medication and upped the dosage since it's been hard to even drag myself out of bed. And they told me to rest, rest, rest...of course that's not what I want to do. I have so much to take care of and I can't afford another week or more of being sick. As it is, I feel terrible that my buns missed a dose of their antibiotic last night since I was too out of it to remember last night after being discharged from the hospital.

I'm just in a bad place right now...and I'm sorry to whine. Thanks again for the support. Continued prayers are appreciated.

<3 Alexah
Awww, it sounds like sucha painful thing to have, you must be having such a rough time at the moment, I'm really sorry! I know how much being ill like that takes it out of you.

Don't feel bad for forgetting the bun's antibiotics, it's completely understandable given how many drugs you've been given and what you've been through the past week or so! Is there anyone who can remind you, or come in to help? Or maybe you can set yourself little alarms to remind you, so you wont miss another dose if you're feeling unwell.

Also, a tip from someone who's also been in hospital and ill recently- try and make some time to cheer yourself up. I did it by buying myself some expensive cosmetics and pamerin myself with a face mask etc, and it's made me feel lots better! You don't have to do that of course, but try and have a little bit of 'me' time:)

Sending lots of hugs and best wishes your way- I'm thinking of you!



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