can i ask people how do you keep your rabbit food

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

im just wondering how you's keep your rabbit food

do you keep it in the bags or in airtight containers

as i was thinking of buying some plastic barrels to keep her food in

varna xxxx
You can ask us people anything you wish,Varna

Yes, I do keep myrabbit food in airtightcontainers.Iused to put some in thefreezerB.C. (Before Cali), because it would take a while forthe other two to finish it up. Buck Jones wasonceinformed by a Blue Seal (rabbit food company)representative that you should keep it in the freezer to keep itfresh.

Generally speaking, many say that after 3 months, it's lost it's nutritional value if not used.

I keep mine in a rubbermaid garbage can. I just make sure the lid is on it whenever Iuse it.
I keep all my pet food in containers - the dogfood in a large Petmate foodcontainer and cat and rabbit foodin plastic Tidy Cat Littercontainers.
I keep mine just in the bag it comes in. It dontlast any longer than a month with two bunnies. Should i keep it insomething else. I buy it ten lbs at a time cause the nextsize is 50 lbs and i dont have alot of storage area for thefood. I been kind of thinking about seeing how much 50 lbscost and spliting it with the shelter and it still might be a savings.Will have to see how much the bigger bag is.

Hi Varna. I keep my rabbit food in an air tighttin. At the moment ours is kept in a Wine Gums Tin from Christmas. Iget my rabbit food per 2kgs so it doesn't last that long anyway. Itseasier as we have no car and I always have my hands full on the buswith the two girls the buggy and the shopping.


I got a metal garbage-can type of thing from thefeed store. A horse breeder suggested for me to keep my feedin that. We have a problem with mice :X
I keep my food in 5 gallon buckets from my saltfor my salt water fish tank. They have lids. I keepferret and rat food this way too. Usually I have 2 buckets ofrabbit and 2 of ferret and 1 of rat. I put 1 bucket of ferretand rabbit in my chest freezer and the bucket of rat. I keepjust enough rat out for 1 week -- it gets bugs very quickly.

I buy in bulk from a local feed storeand buy 4 bags at once (15lbs all together). I dump one baginto a tin in my room by hiscage and keep the rest in bags inthe freezer.

I've had Sebastiana year and threw the first bag out because I didn't use it before Ithought it was too old. The second bag I put into gallon size ziplockbags and put in the spare refrigerator. Do you all think that's cooland dark enough in an airtight bag or should I throw it out too andfreeze the next bag?It's almost 4 months old.

I keep a pitcher in "his" cabinet for his daily feeding.

Raspberry, I think that it's okay as long aseverything is nice and sealed and kept cool. Yet, I alsoheard from some source that it's not a good idea to keep pellets longerthan 6 weeks or something. I say its fine as long as its being used andkept fresh.
babydoshia wrote:
I buy in bulk from a local feed store and buy 4bags at once (15lbs all together).
LOL!!! 4 bags of "bulk" and you only get FIFTEEN POUNDS!! (you mean 150?)

I go thru 50 lbs in 3 weeks, faster when i have a lot ofkits. i swear, a single 5 week old rabbit will eat like 3pounds a day...
