can anyone tell me

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Here in the U.S. one can buy, I believe, bothtimothy and alfalfa hay in little cubes. Those that buy it specificallylike the fact that the cubes are "neater" and leave less refuse aboutthe cage and the floor.

My rabbits did not find it particulary attractive to eat, so after oneunsuccessful attempt at providing it, I no longer used it.

Ended up throwing it in the trash, as no other wild creatures would eat it if left in our yard.

Buck @ Carolyn's Spring Camp for Bunnies, Tucker Town, CT
I've gotten them before, and they are a goodseller at the store I manage, but I've never had any critter that waswilling to eat them. I've also read that they aren't asdesirable as a good food, but I have no idea why.

you can get alfalfa in solid little cubes whichis great forteeth ,don't know about hay, but I think the blocks are meant to be fedalongside hay as a treat, have you tried a hay rack?

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