Well-Known Member
please help
varna xxxx
varna xxxx
thankx to buck and carolyn
its just i phoned up my local airport and they said which state
well at least i no now
isnt it funny how people can be so rude
varna xxxx
We have an International Airport in Louisville across the river that does not have any international flight!!P.S.Every State has a capital. Hartford is Connecticut's. Hartford'sAirport is called Bradley International Airport, so it does fly toEngland.
I wrote above New York City, which is often prominent on most maps and east of the State of New York.conn is located on the side of ny not above ny.aboveNy is is Canada...
Believe the person asked a simple question and was expecting a simplecourteous reply. No one had really answered the questionterribly well and diverted the thread into stupid replies and commentsmade by stupid people.I don't think anyone was being rude at all. Ithink everyone just was commenting on how funny it seems to those of usin the U.S. not to know.
The first person answered it was a state and not in a state.
As I said, I wouldn't know diddly about the U.K. and the thread took one of those jogs to another topic within the topic.
I think it's funny how negative some people see things..... always takethings the wrong way or the worst way they can. I thinkthat's so sad.