can anyone tell me moulting is she shedding her baby coat

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

i dont understand this moulting thing can someone explain

lucy has become so distant towards us

and i think she is becoming quite lazy

when she was younger you'd see her doing binkies but now all she does is either lies down or stays behind the sofa

could this be a part of moulting

and when the summer comes will she be any better

varna xxxx
Moulting is when a rabbit sheds it's baby coat,like you said in the title of the post. It has nothing to do withenergy levels. You might be spending time with her during her sleepinghours. Rabbits generally sleep during the day and wake up duringevening/late night/early morning hours. This's because they're prayanimals, and in the wild they forage etc at night so that it's lesslikely they'll be seen or caught be a predator.

Is she eating? That's the main thing you need to watch out if for. Ifshe's not eating that definitely means she's sick. If you're truelyconcerned I'd take her to the vet, but most likely she's just being anormal rabbit and sleeping during normal rabbit sleeping hours.