can anyone tell me is their a flemish giant breeder in the uk

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Varna ,

i just had a thought ! wouldntit be awsome witha Flemish if youcould train it tobe in some ways a service anmal, Rabiits are just as smart ifnot smarter than most dogs ,But then again arethey not already aservice animal in their ownrights, Between the unconditional love ,soft bodies , cuddling nature ,they really do us withdisabilities a great service by puttinga smile on our faceor JUST bust us up in afit of gayling laughter ,

Unfortunately i know of no breedersin the UK andam even having trouble trackingone down here in the state i live in. But if i do find abreeder maybe we can find aaway to get one to you .
And one would absolutely adore you, Varna. As Pamsaid to me as I was trying to figure out whether to adopt Cali or not,"A big heart for a A big rabbit, it's meant to be." :)

The Flemish in the UK are called British Giants. Check out

I'd start there. Do keep us posted.

How's Lucy-Loo doing? I was able to view the video of her that you sent. What a Love! Her ears certainly did look big. :)

Sorry, i dont know of any breeders. They'reselling 2 gorgeous British Giants down the road from me though, its ashame its a bit too far away! :(! Let us know if you manage to get onethough,

Leanne :)
actually, i think british giants are a differentbreed from flemish: the uk has both, along with thier version of agiant chin, the chinchilla giagan...i kinda forget exactly what theycall it :D
You're correct, Lizabeth. Thank you!

As per Pamnock's note to me:

"The are basically the same. I believe the UK standardaccepts the Opal (ARBA doesn't). I don't think the UK acceptsthe light gray as a color. There's also a slight differencein the minimum weight (UK is slightly less).

The British Continental Giant has a slightly larger minimum weight and is shown standing up on the show table.

